Look to Deep Ocean Water for Bioavailable Minerals


In recent years, health consumers have become familiar with the term bioavailability. Bioavailability is the degree to and rate at which a substance, such as a medication, is absorbed into the body and is available to do its work. Put simply, the more bioavailable a substance is, the faster and more efficiently it functions.

Bioavailability matters when it comes to the nutrients we need for our very survival. For example, humans need a constant supply of bioavailable macro minerals and micro trace elements to maintain optimal health. Minerals and trace elements such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium chloride, magnesium, fluorine, and sulphur are needed by our organs, bones, and tissues. Magnesium alone catalyzes over 300 enzyme and hormone reactions.

If we can’t get these important minerals, we become malnourished and vulnerable to disease. A deficiency in minerals and micro trace elements can lead to premature aging, immune dysfunction, and susceptibility to cardiovascular-related diseases. We particularly need soluble, bioavailable, minerals or electrolytes to help us maintain optimum cellular fluid levels and keep our body’s pH in balance.

The Challenge of Consuming Enough Minerals for Good Health

Because our bodies are designed to extract nutrients from the food we eat, minerals and trace elements found in food are very bioavailable. It used to be that we could get most of our necessary minerals and trace elements from fruits, vegetables, and grains. Unfortunately, today we would need to eat at least 35% more food than our parents did to consume the same amount of minerals and trace elements they got from food during their childhood. That’s because the mineral composition of our soils–and thus the foods grown in it–have been depleted by erosion, pesticides, fertilizers, and overfarming.

As the nutritional content of our food declines, people look to supplements to enhance their health. But there’s a downside to supplements as well. For one, minerals from tablets are often chelated, synthesized, and extracted from chemicals. The purity and potency isn’t easy to verify. In addition, recent scientific studies have found that taking a lot of supplements can be damaging to the liver. Again, it comes down to bioavailability. The liver has to work so hard to process high doses of concentrated nutrients in tablet form that taking them may become counterproductive.

The Bioavailability of Water May Be the Answer

One doesn’t have to have a PhD in biochemistry to instinctively understand that water is the most bioavailable substance for people, since the human body is mostly water, or around 60 percent by weight. What if we could get the necessary minerals needed for our health just from a glass of water?

This isn’t science fiction. Scientists have recently discovered what may be the perfect, and most bioavailable, form of minerals and trace elements. It is a concentrated liquid form of minerals found in a specific layer of ocean water. The liquid form of minerals is easily assimilated into our digestive and circulating systems. Minerals in the liquid format are also more bioactive, ionic, and free of inactive ingredients.

These minerals come from a natural source–the layer of the Pacific Ocean called “deep ocean water,” which lies at a depth of more than 2,000 feet. Deep ocean water has a number of unique qualities. When it was analyzed for purity, scientists discovered that this water was not only exceptionally clean, but was rich in the very minerals and trace elements necessary for human life. In fact, deep ocean water contains over 70 minerals and trace elements. The absence of sunlight, cold water temperatures (44 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit), and intense pressures kept this zone virtually free of life and impurities. Therefore, the minerals and nutrients are never depleted or contaminated, as compared to the surface water.

Once the water is extracted and its minerals removed, one has nature’s perfect, bioavailable source of minerals and trace elements. Just add water and drink!

A Source that Will Last and Last

Deep ocean water is the slow-moving layer of our ocean that originates from the northern arctic and Greenland ice melts, absorbing minerals and trace elements as it enters the oceans, and then sinks with the weight of the very same minerals we need for good health.

Today, we are able to access deep ocean minerals and with new desalination technology, adjust mineral ratios to broaden and better target health applications. Most of the recent scientific research into the benefits of deep ocean water has been conducted in Japan, Taiwan, Korea, and Hawaii.

Oceanographers estimate that deep ocean water comprises a minimum of 90% of the total oceans. If used responsibly, this deep ocean water could be an infinite resource. The deep ocean minerals concentrated from this clean, natural source could prove to be the next revolution of supplements that fortifies our need for bioavailable minerals and trace elements.

Kevin Hu
Kevin Hu is President of Wedar Biotechnology Co. Ltd. A biochemistry researcher, he has spent the past decade uncovering and writing about the potential of ionic minerals and trace elements found in deep ocean water. Learn more at www.pdobiotech.com.