When looking for a little sour taste, limes are the answer. This green citrus fruit comes in different shapes and sizes called species. There are Persian limes, Key limes, makrut lime, and desert limes. In Mexican and Southeast Asia limes are a staple for their dishes. In India, limes are pickled. Many alcohol beverages incorporate lime. Lots of desserts include lime such as Key lime pie, as well as ice cream and cookies. Some nontoxic sprays use lime with vinegar as a cleaning product. There are lime scented lotions, sprays, and candles too.
Limes have health benefits. They might be small, but they are packed with a big amount of vitamin C. A medium lime has about 20 calories, 22% of the recommended daily value (DV) for vitamin C, 7 grams of carbohydrates, 1.9 grams of fiber, 2% of the DV for iron, 2% of the DV for Vitamin B6, and 2% of the DV for thiamin (helps turn carbohydrates into energy). The amount of vitamin C limes helps boost immunity. Vitamin C increases the production of white blood cells which are the foundation of a strong immune system. Vitamin C also helps lower high blood pressure, which can prevent heart disease. Plus, limes contain antioxidants that help cells fight off free radicals. Flavonoids are a type of antioxidant that help stop the genes that cause cancer from progressing. Vitamin C is also a collagen producer in the body which is great for skin. Collagen keeps skin strong and firm. Antioxidants also help skin age well by fighting against oxidative stress that can cause premature aging.
Another reason to keep limes around is because they help the body absorb iron. Low blood iron levels can cause anemia. For people who do not eat meat sources of iron, but rather follow a more plant-based diet, limes can help absorb iron from plants more efficiently. Limes also keep kidney stones away. Citrus helps keep the levels of citrate in the body down so that minerals won’t form in urine.
Besides a little acid reflux or weaking enamel on the teeth, the pros of limes outweigh these side effects. Limes are found in nearly every grocery store almost always right next the lemons. Many people have lime trees in their backyards. Limes have many uses and many benefits that sometimes get overshadowed by other members of the citrus family. They’re a green machine even if tiny in size.