When I was first diagnosed ( Karen’s Journey ) I couldn’t help myself but to feel afraid, somehow I felt shame for feeling this emotion because I thought as a believer of God I had to be strong in every area of my life despite the challenges I may face. After all the word of God says in His perfect love there is no fear. Could it be then that I really didn’t know of His love? Or perhaps, I’m a normal human being with normal emotions? God gave us emotions right? Let me tell you… Yes!! It is normal to feel afraid!! Now, the question is… what do we do in the midst of that emotion? Do we allow it to paralyze us or do we move from it? So many questions and yet, the bible, pastors, therapists, family, relatives, friends, colleagues, will have their own very unique answer to this complex question. Would they all coincide that Steadfast Courage is a must?
You may be wondering why is this woman talking about emotions on this site? Very simple! Emotions play such a significant role in our everyday life consequently these emotions have a great impact in our over all health. I have personally found a great void in the medical community addressing this very important area of life. Somehow doctors have been trained to separate this vital component of health and detached it from patients healing practices and protocols.
My healing journey has embarked me into a journey of self discovery and I believe this is true for most cancer patients regardless of their treatment preference. Somehow we focus a great deal on our physical being, which of course must be addressed but how about our emotional health? It is known that our emotions have perhaps a greater impact on our health than what we eat. One of the doctors on my team whom I greatly admire once said “A negative thought can kill you faster than a bad germ. One of the main things to detoxify is your mind” (Dr. Antonio Jimenez, 2014).
I am not a doctor nor do I claim to know what is right or wrong for any cancer patient needing medical advice. However, as a cancer thriver myself I can say that I prefer to believe and hope that things can change for me in my reality. Believe I can heal and hope I will live a long life as it was intended by God the creator of the universe.
Why should I settle for what the doctors say or what the medical reports reflect. We ALL have an expiration date on our lives and what matters is how we choose to live daily now. I reject fear as it drains my immune system and it puts me in an unnecessary anxiety mode. Think about it… Does fear change the medical report or the doctor’s opinion on your life? Of course not. But what if your positive thoughts and words you intentionally choose to speak over yourself are filled with Steadfast Courage? This choice alone will have an immediate impact over your situation. What if you choose to be vigilant in your emotional awareness just as you are with your diet, exercise, therapies, supplements, relationships, etc. What if you choose to face death with Steadfast Courage? What if you choose to overwhelm your circumstances with hope and faith vs fear? And even if things don’t change for you, would you spend your remaining days alive as an slave of fear?
You choose what will fill your mind and heart and allow it to take over you… Thankfulness, Peace, Hope, Love … No cancer can ever take that away from you. I don’t claim to be fearless but it is a daily choice I must make to live in gratitude, peace, joy, love and in hope. I have been told that I am an idealist and I don’t live in reality. To be honest if reality means to live in fear, anxiety, hopelessness, faithlessness, unhappiness, pressured with time and allowing life to happen instead of living life, well than yes I am an idealist. I choose to create this other reality for me filled with joy peace hope and love, I choose to believe I can heal. I believe you and I are powerful people and we must choose Steadfast Courage in the Face of Death.