How To Keep A Negative Person Away by Changing Your Thoughts


If you’re feeling as though everyone around you has changed and is bringing your mood down in the process, or that you’re not experiencing the precise happiness you’ve been seeking for days or even decades, it may very well be that you’re trying too hard to make the change.

For many people, such a notion seems to conflict with what has been instilled in us for so long. After all, how many times have we heard phrases that urge us to give something “110 percent,” telling us to “try harder,” “put your everything into it” or to “give it all you’ve got?” We try, we hope and we wish but unfortunately, are many times left in a state of shock that despite all of our trying, the people or circumstances in our lives have not been as kind to us as we feel we deserve.

Esther Hicks says this feeling occurs when “…other people around [you] are out of alignment.” Hicks, part of the dynamic, inspirational Abraham-Hicks duo that helps people understand their vibrational energies and realize their full potential, explains that people who feel this way “…rendezvous with out-of-alignment people because there’s an active vibration in you that has awareness of out-of-alignment people.”(1) This, she says, must cease if we are to unclutter our lives of negative thoughts and people. Listen to her elaborate in this eye-opening YouTube video, below.

Why Trying Too Hard to Shed Negativity Can Work Against You

Quite simply, she likens a person’s ongoing effort to create change in their lives as someone who attempts to drive their car by climbing under the hood and playing around with pistons and parts. In other words, we need not get as involved in the process of change as we think; trusting the process once we’ve made clear our desires is all that’s needed. The rest, she explains, is about trusting that you are already — at this very instant — receiving the vibrations necessary to “get what you want from where you are.”(1)

To this end, she suggests that people “soften up” and “give up the battle and trust that everything you want is flowing to you.” She’s adamant that too much effort can backfire, saying that one can’t be overly demanding and strong in their needs to create positive change and to instead “…have the trust that the power of your desire is so strong” that you increase the flow of positive energies.(1)

How To Invite Positive People and Circumstances In Your Life

So, to surround yourself with positive people, for example, it’s necessary to shed pre-existing negative opinions about them and instead, focus on what the feeling of being with creative, positive, smart and funny people is like. Hicks explains that doing this as often as possible shifts our momentum and allows people to attract what they truly desire without any preconceived thoughts or guarded feelings. “There is so much positive momentum in every single relationship you have that with a little tuning, you can turn it into something that will be really delightful for both of you,” says Hicks.(1)

So, to use a Disney phrase that’s been popularized from the movie, “Frozen,” let it go. “When you keep asking a question, you keep the question alive,” she says. “And you don’t let the answer in. Watch for evidence of the answer…it’s all around.”(1)

What Observing Negativity In The First Place May Say About You

Interestingly, Raj Raghunathan, Ph.D, associate editor at the Journal of Consumer Psychology who is interested in consumer behavior, decision-making and happiness, writes, “The fact that you find it difficult to deal with others’ negativity suggests that there is a seed of negativity in you. His statement seems to parallel that of Hicks’ comment in which people tend to have an awareness of out-of-alignment people and all of the bad feelings that go along with it. “If you didn’t feel constricted or deflated by others’ negativity — if you were fully secure in how you view yourself — you wouldn’t find the company of negative people to be aversive,” Raghunathan explains. He suggests, like Hicks, working on fixing our own negative perceptions and self-talk to ultimately become more positive.(2)

Furthermore, inviting the law of attraction our way in this manner can boost health. Emotional conflicts can manifest in the body, with constant negativity wreaking havoc on physical heath. For example, too much sadness can harm the heart and lungs, while anger can impact the liver and excess worry can disturb the pancreas and spleen.(3)

Isn’t it time you give this YouTube video a listen and better yet, start shedding all that negativity in the ways Hick’s explains? Go easy on yourself, feel confident in the vibes you’ve put forth and trust the process.

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A science enthusiast with a keen interest in health nutrition, Antonia has been intensely researching various dieting routines for several years now, weighing their highs and their lows, to bring readers the most interesting info and news in the field. While she is very excited about a high raw diet, she likes to keep a fair and balanced approach towards non-raw methods of food preparation as well. (