IUD side-effects, direct link to a slower metabolism.


If you notice you’ve put on a few pounds, you are among millions of people in the world who are experiencing the same thing.  Weight gain is one of the most common complaints in people as they age.  Why?  Their hormones are changing and their metabolism slows down.

But what if you are a woman in her prime.  You are young, vivavious, and the boss of your own body.  You are not ready to have children yet (or you have had them and just can’t stop the bleeding even years after) and you decide to have the IUD Mirena inserted.

You consult with your doctor, they mention (but don’t go into too much depth) the “possible” side-effects from this IUD implant procedure.  Unbenownst to your doctor (hence the many lawsuits in progress now) the side effects from Mirena were not only possible, they were VERY likely and quite serious as well.

So, you decided the Mirena IUD is the way to go.  You have it inserted and you wait for it to take effect.  As you are waiting two major things are happening in your body.  Your hormones start to change to accommodate the extra progestin in your body due to the increased amount of levonorgeterel in the IUD and due to this change in hormones, your metabolism (the rate that your energy is burned in your body) slows down to a crawl.  The sloth-like metabolism is the culprit behind your weight gain (no matter how many crunches you do or calories you count)

How do you know these two major things are occuring in your body?  Odds are, you’ve seen one (or many) of these symptoms over the last little while:

  • Excess weight gain
  • Noticeable hair loss
  • Infertility
  • Bleeding
  • Irregular cycles
  • Breast tenderness
  • PMS
  • Low energy
  • Early menopause
  • Severe cramps
  • Discharge and odors
  • Water retention
  • Bloating
  • Insulin resistance
  • Acne
  • Sexual dysfunction and low libido
  • Mood swings
  • Depression
  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Foggy thinking
  • Brain damage
  • Rapid aging

You notice these symptoms right away (they aren’t pleasant).  So, you go to your doctor – AGAIN!  Your doctor says that yes, these are side effects you are experiencing but there isn’t anything they can do for you.  And, if you are one of the unlucky women who develops PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) due to the Mirena IUD, your doctor can treat the PCOS symptoms, but that’s about all they can do to help.

You are frustrated, tired and angry.  What do you do now?

Here is what I suggest you do.  Dig deep, find the inner strength and do a bit more research.  One area that is gaining popularity with women these days is treating their symptoms holistically.  Searching for natural, healthy ways to restore their bodies back to balance.

A great place to start this research would be this website:  http://detoxscientific.com/mirena-weight-gain/.  This website has gathered a lot of the scientific research to support holistic and natural treatments.  It has success stories, information and best of all the steps to get you started in the right direction to finally putting these serious Mirena symptoms at bay.

May today be the start of your new holistic journey that will restore your hormone balance, kick your metabolism into high gear and finally help you shed those unwanted pounds that have crept in over the years.  Best of luck for your new, improved, healthy you!




Alexander Bloom