Stubborn cholesterol can come down with simple foods like grapefruit, pistachios and walnuts. A cholesterol lowering vitamin that works much better than drugs is Vitamin B 3; in fact it reduced bad cholesterol, LDL, and increased the good cholesterol,HDL.
According to cardiologist Michael Ozner M.D., between 70% to 90% of cardiac surgeries are not necessary! Americans are seven times more likely to undergo heart surgery than those in Canada or Europe!
It is a fact that 15,000 to 25,000 people die from complications from Angioplasties and Bypass surgeries per year.
The good news is that we are better at finding the underlying causes of heart disease and the two most important factors are inflammation and oxidative damage.
The healing foods we need to repair damage to heart vessels or heart tissue include:
Beans because they are high in folate, a B vitamin that works to reduce levels of homocysteine, an inflammatory risk for heart disease. Many foods today like cereals, grains and breads are enriched with folate. But beans are very rich in folate and fiber, eating ½ cup of lentils, chickpeas or black eyed peas per day decreases cholesterol and helps manage weight.
Olive Oil soothes inflammation, reduces oxidation and lowers cholesterol levels.
Just like the Mediterranean diet that is suggested for healthy weight and to control chronic diseases, it is the best diet for the heart! This diet includes foods like vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts,fruit and of course olive oil!
Sardines are a great source of CoQ10, a vitamin substance, important to all cells, especially to heart cells. It helps cells produce energy and provides antioxidant protection. Studies have found low levels of CoQ10 in people with all forms of heart disease. Other food sources of CoQ10 are beef, mackerel and peanuts.
Drinking Wine gets its benefits from the flavanols and bioflavanoid compounds. Finnish researchers have found that moderate intake of wine, two glasses for men, one glass for women per day, decreased the risk of clot related strokes by half! Even more so in the red wines!
Dr James Duke also recommends black, green and red teas. A dutch study found that inviduals that drank 1-1.5 cups per day had half the risk of heart attacks versus none tea drinkers.
Lycopene like that in tomatoes, helps prevent heart disease. A Harvard Women’s Study tested lycopene in women and found that those with the highest amount of lycopene in their diets were one third less likely to develop heart disease.
Wild Gooseberry or Amla is used in India for heart problems. Amla is the richest source of bioflavanoids and Vitamin C, it is revered for anti-aging, boosting the immune system, hypertension, high cholesterol and chromosome damage.
Beat high blood pressure with mineral water with significant drops in readings.
Fight heart attacks with walnuts that are high in omega 3, fiber and lowers LDL cholesterol.
Studies have found that weeks before a heart attack, 71% of women have noted flu-like symptoms and high fatigue.
Don’t assume its a hot flash when you are sweating, nausea, dizzy or breathless.
Start eating the above foods in greater number to prevent any of these following symptoms.
Guide to Healing Foods by James Duke PhD