Arginine is an amino acid that increases heart health. Arginine makes nitric oxide (NO), which relaxes the blood vessels. Arginine has also been used to treat congestive heart failure, recovery from heart attacks and cardiovascular diseases, asthma, herpes, altitude sickness, lowering cholesterol and for the common flu and to prevent colds. It is also used to treat cystitis, impotence, and diseases that require increased or improved circulation. Any condition that needs improved It’s been investigated Arginine is found naturally in a wide variety of foods, including chocolate, and protein foods such as fish, meat, nuts, dairy and poultry.
Research on arginine
Research on using arginine to treat congestive heart failure showed an improvement of symptoms with doses of 5 to 15 grams a day. Hypertension (high blood pressure) responds well to doses of arginine. Recovery from major surgery is improved by taking arginine as well.
Arginine and impotence
Because arginine is needed to make nitric oxide, it is used to treat impotence. Even Viagra works by increasing sensitivity to nitric oxide in the blood. Five grams of arginine a day have been used to treat impotence.
Arginine supplements
Even though there are plentiful natural sources of arginine, added stressors in the body can cause a decrease in arginine in the blood. When taking arginine supplement, the recommended dose is between 2 grams and 8 grams a day. In research trials, doses up to 15 grams to treat congestive heart failure.
Safety of Arginine supplementation
Taking doses of to 20 grams a day is considered to be safe and doses up to 30 grams have been utilized. Minor digestive problems can occur, because arginine increases production of the hormone responsible for creating stomach acid, gastrin. Because arginine can change the balance of potassium in the blood, care needs to be taken by those on diuretics or ACE inhibitors or those with liver disease. Those with kidney issues or pregnant and nursing women also need to take care. For diabetes, arginine could lower the blood sugar significantly. Arginine may prevent tolerance to transdermal nitroglycerin. If you have a medical condition, discuss adding arginine to your diet with your health professional.
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About the author:
Melanie Grimes is a writer, medical editor and health educator. A classically trained homeopath, she has lectured internationally and been on faculty at Bastyr University, American Medical College of Homeopathy, and Seattle School of Homeopathy. She has been the editor of Simillimum, Journal of the Homeopathic Association of Naturopathic Physicians, and The American Homeopath, Journal of the North American Society of Homeopaths. An award-winning screenwriter, Melanie has taught creative writing, and authored medical textbooks. You can follow her blog at and order high quality healthy chocolate at To order professional quality vitamins, visit her online vitamin shop at
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