How Honey with Warm Water Can Do Wonders For Your Health


Start your morning with a cup of warm water with honey on an empty is considered as an effective way to lose weight. But if you have this mixture at the right time in the day, you can get more remarkable health benefits beyond weight loss.

First, how to make this mixture

Fill a glass with warm water, add 1-2 tablespoons of raw, organic honey, stir the mixture well and drink it, let’s see the surprising benefits this simple mixture can provide:

1. Boost Your Weight Loss

Craving a sweet beverage, such as soda, does not make you a weight loss failure, it makes you human! However, soda (yes, even diet soda) fills you up with empty, chemical-laden ingredients and no health benefits. Try swapping one soda a day for honey water to boost weight loss goals. The natural sugars in honey helps cleanse the liver, flushing toxins and fat from the body.  Adding lemon to your honey water boosts its detoxifying properties. The citric acid in lemon stimulates the liver and lemon water increases urination, aiding you in flushing out toxins.

2. Help Maximize Your Immune System

Raw honey is a virtual immunity boosting cocktail. Full of antibacterial properties, the vitamins, minerals and enzymes in raw honey help from a barrier against harmful bacteria. Drink honey water at the first sign of a cold or flu. Honey also helps soothe and coat a sore throat, reducing coughing from irritation.

3. Improve Digestion

If gas and indigestion plague you after big meals, try some honey water. Honey neutralizes gas and has antiseptic properties, helping combat a gassy, upset stomach. Consuming honey water also helps keep you regular. Honey helps hydrate the colon and your stool, making it easier to go.

4. Reduce Allergies

According to Lifehack, consuming raw, local honey helps reduce seasonal allergies. While honey probably will not replace your OTC allergy medications, local honey may reduce the reaction your body has to the pollen in your area. Bees produce honey from the pollen produces by local plants. Exposure to this pollen helps reduce your sensitivity.

5. Fight Afternoon Energy Lag

We have all fallen victim to the afternoon slump. Next time, try a cup of warm honey water before reaching for the coffee or sugar-laden snacks. Honey water speeds hydration, helping naturally perk up your body. Honey’s natural sugars provide healthy calories, giving you a healthy energy boost. Best of all, a cup of honey water helps you avoid the inevitable sugar crash that comes with raiding the office vending machine.

Other Easy Ways to Eat Honey

There are many other ways you can add raw honey into your daily diet:

  • Pour a small amount of honey on fruit to make a good snack
  • A tablespoon of honey can be stirred into a serving of yogurt
  • Make a honey mustard salad dressing by yourself, just combine honey with mustard, oil, vinegar, pepper and salt
  • Bake sweet potatoes and basting with honey mixture (honey with orange juice, salt, pepper and zest)
  • Mix honey with fruit juice, water and ice to make a delicious smoothie

See more delicious recipes you can make with honey at

Liu Jiao
I have written articles on various physical and mental health related conditions, including diabetes/ heart disease/ autism/depression/Nutrition/fitness/diets/fad diets/herbs/alternative therapies/weight loss/obesity in children and adults/smoking risks/alcohol risks/fast foods/disease....

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