Peeling skin indicates the loss of epidermis – one of the most important skin layers. Commonly, peeling skin is associated with numerous discomforts including: dryness, itchiness, irritation as well as red rashes.
What cause peeling skin?
While excessive exposure to harsh weather condition is said to be the main cause of peeling skin, other reasons for peeling skin are some health issues including: allergy, athlete’s foot, ringworm, dermatitis, etc.
How to remove peeling skin?
It is important to understand that if peeling skin is not treated carefully, it may trigger some unwanted consequences such as muscle pain, fatigue, weight loss or even infection. Therefore, treating peeling skin from its initial stage is really necessary. Luckily, nature has offered people several simple methods to speed up the treatment for peeling skin effectively.
Here are top 10 simple home remedies for peeling skin which have been applying for such a long time.
1. Aloe Vera
It is undenible that aloe vera is one of the most wonderful natural gifts which nature creates. Packing with an excellent souce of moisturizer, aloe vera may help with soothing skin as well as reducing inflammatory levels which is caused by peeling skin. That’s why people appreciate aloe vera as one of the best home remedies for peeling skin.
- Extract some aloe vera from its leaves
- Mix aloe vera gel with vitamin E oil with 1:1 ratio
- Use the mixture to rub into your affected area
- Wait for it to dry naturally
- Rinse off your skin with lukewarm water
- Repeat the process many times
Additionally, you can read more about effect of aloe vera at Home Remedies of Ringworm.
2. Olive Oil
People usually praise olive oil as another effective home remedies for peeling skin. Loading with an abundant couse of skin-nourishing fatty acids, olive oil may provide enough moisturizer and improve skin health remarkably. Also, a great source of vitamin E in olive oil may prevent activities of free radicals inside the body system, making it an ideal solution for aging skin process.
- Have some olive oil in your hand
- Warm it up
- Insert it in your skin before massaging it gently
- Do like this 2-3 times a week
You can also read more about benefits of olive oil at Home Remedies for Hair Loss .
3. Milk
For long, people have been using milk as one of popular home remedies for peeling skin. Not only can milk moisturize our skin, it may also nurture skin health by providing a huge amount of lactic acid and protein. Additionally, the habit of drinking milk everyday will also reduce itchiness and irritation which accompany with peeling skin effectively.
- Soak a thin cloth into milk
- Squeeze it carefully before putting it into your affected area
- Wait for 10 minutes
- Wash your skin carefully with clean water
- Repeat the process 2-3 times per week for better outcome
4. Papaya
In the fight against papaya, many people make use of papaya. For long, papaya has been known as a healthy fruit which contains a huge amount of antioxidants. These components are responsible for removing dead skin cells, exfoliating skin and speeding up healing peeling skin. Simply cover your affected area with mashed papaya regularly to gain satisfactory outcome.
5. Honey
Among various home remedies for peeling skin, honey is quite outstanding. Packing with wonderful healing qualities, honey may provide instant relief from discomforts going together with peeling skin.
- Have a little amount of honey insert into your skin
- Massage it gently
- Wait for 10 minutes
- Wash off with lukewarm water
6. Baking Soda
It seems that no one is unfamiliar with baking soda. Facts have shown that this simple ingredient is effective at reducing redness, soothing irritation as well as fostering skin health naturally.
- Have some baking soda mix with your warm bathing water
- Dip yourself into it during 20 minutes
- Repeat the process many times to enjoy better condition of your skin
7. Cucumber
Clearly, cucumber is a powerhouse of water. Therefore, it is an ideal solution to dehydration – one of the most common symtoms of peeling skin. Furthermore, cucumber is packed with cooling effect, making it an excellent skin – soother.
- Cut cucumber into small and thin pieces
- Rub them into your affected area
- Leave it on 20 minutes
- Rinse your skin with lukewarm water
- Do like this 2-3 times weekly
8. Lemon Juice
In terms of home remedies for peeling skin, lemon juice also gain much interest. Simply follow these steps and you will obviously see better result:
- Have some lemon juice
- Put a little sugar into the solution
- Mix it carefully
- Use the mixture to apply to your affected skin
- Repeat the process many times a week
9. Grapes
In case you are wondering what is good for your peeling skin, grapes can be an excellent response. Loading with alpha hydroxyl acids, grapes may gently remove dead skin cells and gradually recover your skin health.
- Add grapes into a juicer
- Use natural grape mask to put into your skin in half an hour
- Wash off with warm water
- Do like this repeatedly
10. Pineapple
In fact, pineapple consists of numerous health advantages including the ability to become one of the best home remedies for peeling skin. Not unlike grapes, pineapple is a great container of AHA. Hence, this healthy fruit may help with exfoliating skin well. You can simply include more pineapple into your diet to enjoy the satisfactory outcome.
To sum up, peeling skin may leave numerous catastrophic consequences if you don’t pay attention to treat it properly and timely. However, with the help of these above mentioned home remedies, I believe that you can say goodbye to this problem quickly and effectively.
More by Jenny Heth