Real Science
Real science is the exploration of ourselves and the world around us. We have the tools of observation, pattern recognition, analysis, and inspirational insights that can allow us to build an understanding of life. The best scientists have found ways to become conscious of their own assumptions and preconceptions, and look beyond them for new ways of seeing and understanding the world. Many times their discoveries were not appreciated by governments and religious authorities, and some have paid with their lives. Their quest has always been to see whatever is true, even if what they discover is not popular. Sometimes, much later, their courage and clarity of vision are appreciated. This kind of scientific inquiry is not bound by labels, dogmas, man-made conventions of how the universe must be understood. It takes bravery to pursue, to overcome one’s own fears of the unknown, to see beyond the comfort of a familiar way of interpreting reality. People who choose and follow this path and are not deflected by obstacles. They add dimension and quality to our life, they open up new possibilities for us.
Real science also recognizes and merges with a deep spiritual understanding of purpose in life. No matter how it may be put into words, the basic premise is that we are here to love and serve others, to serve all of life, all creatures, and this is what knowledge and discoveries are for. This is not because of any belief system that just tells us we must do this. It is based on the understanding of our intimate connection to all life everywhere, so whatever we do affects everyone else. There is a deep law of nature, much older than any philosophy or religion, that says whatever we may do to or for others will always come back to us multiplied. There is absolutely no way to ever escape the action of this law.
Weaponized, Counterfeit Science
When this dimension of wisdom is missing, the discoveries of science can become weapons that lead to our destruction. We are witnessing that now.
That one deficiency in what passes for modern science is enough to turn life on Earth into an experience of hell. Yet, another defect has been added to make the results even worse. Students in modern education are taught now that science must be based on the memorization and paraphrasing of acceptable sources, acceptable references, acceptable opinions of others validated by the system, that are to be considered as objective truth. Research scientists that publish results critical of government or industry points of view are attacked, sometimes with lethal results for the scientists. This is why, for example, it is dangerous to publish the facts of how deadly are the drugs and vaccines of modern medicine, the deadly effects of GMO’s, how municipalities across the country hide billions of dollars “off budget” which really belong to taxpayers, how wars are fought for the interests of international bankers, how the media news and the lessons in modern education are almost all lies, etc.
Government and industry have become intimate partners in moving the world toward its complete destruction, and “science” is one of their chosen weapons, to keep the public as unaware as possible of what they are really doing. This kind of science tells us that a medical system that treats disease with toxic chemicals, ionizing radiation, disfiguring surgery and all manner of destructive and invasive “therapies” is the cutting edge standard of care and the best health care we could hope to receive. This kind of science has given us consumer technologies from cell phones to microwave ovens and poisoned toothpaste, that are designed to damage the user, while providing constant customers for the heath care industry. This kind of science has given us modern chemical agriculture, which grows poisoned food as it destroys the soil on which life depends. This kind of science has given us modern drug-oriented psychiatry, that produces suicides and homicides instead of getting its patients back in touch with themselves, and with the roots of natural health. This kind of science has given us ballistic missiles and nuclear warheads, weaponized viruses, nuclear power, napalm and agent orange, and a long list of other technologies to guarantee the destruction of humanity and our environmental life support systems, in the name of keeping us safe. This kind of science has given us the understanding (from the bioethics scientists) that human babies do not become real people (just a mass of cells?) until at least age 3, so it is perfectly reasonable to extend the killing of unborn babies to include already born one, two and three year old children. The list goes on far longer than what would fit in this article.
When science and wisdom meet and merge, progress towards the ideal of heaven on Earth becomes possible, and compassion and kindness permeate the atmosphere. But when science has no clue that wisdom even exists, hell on Earth can materialize. Fear becomes the primary emotion in the environment. Confusion and anxiety rule. People see each other as enemies, and forget that the pain is self-imposed when they lose touch with their innate power to heal. Most play the part of either perpetrator or victim, or perhaps some of each, forgetting that all have the same primal essence, the same underlying identity as consciousness, the same origin in a common Source. Self-evident truth degenerates into belief systems, myth, legend, fantasy, and is finally discarded like a silly fairy tale that has no real usefulness in life. Common sense is considered “unscientific.”
Results Of The Fraud
The society that results from this fall of consciousness is not a pleasant one to live in, even for those with the means to obtain the comforts and luxuries that have become the goals of existence. Sickness and disease are out of control The vast majority of people, if they are fortunate enough to be able to earn a living, do not like what they do for work. Money stresses gradually tighten around the necks of more and more people, as the effects of a scientifically planned economic implosion become more and more universal. An ever greater percentage of people work for government, and most of the rest for multinational corporations, which have become increasingly blended into government, itself literally a web of corporations. Those in minor power positions seek satisfaction by exerting their power over others in a vain attempt to feel powerful as people and therefore somehow valid and secure in themselves. Those in positions higher up the ladder do the same to their subordinates, and also try to take whatever pleasure they can in the perks of their positions. Those in higher positions are more given over to overt evil, enjoying the suffering they knowingly inflict on others “below” them. They are unconscious of the fact that the ones they hurt are not different from them on deeper levels. They are their family members in a literal sense. On the deepest level of understanding, they are themselves.
The Awakening
Now there is a growing awakening among people who are realizing that they have been deceived, and are now ruled by those who plan their complete destruction. This is an unpleasant but liberating realization for those brave enough to let it in. They see the money system has been created to steal from them all that they have, to enslave them. They see that the medical system is designed to keep them sick and diseased, with clouded mind, fearful emotions, and eventually dying a miserable death, perhaps unaware even of their own names and their loved ones around them. They see that the food in the stores is scientifically designed to make sure they never see their normal state of health and mental clarity. They see that the television and movies are to keep them misinformed, with deep self-disempowering beliefs. They see an educational system scientifically designed to make their children stupid and uninformed, unthinking and obedient workers for their rulers and spies on each other to keep society in line. They see the unmarked jets flying at high altitudes spraying a mix of toxic metals and other poisons down on the Earth, slowly killing the people and destroying the viability of the soil and the entire biosphere, blocking the vital sunlight from reaching the Earth, on which all life depends. They see the politicians working shamelessly to cement into power the dictates of those far above them in the power structure that they do not even understand, thinking that their reward will be entry into the privileged elite who are not to be murdered along with the masses scheduled for “culling.” And the politicians and even those in “high” positions are deceived. None of them is intended to escape this culling. They are all, every one, scheduled for termination, to be discarded when their usefulness is over, by those above them who are calling the shots. They are fools who have strayed so far from who they really are, they would no longer understand the truth even if it was explained to them face to face, but have come to embrace an identity of evil as if it were the truth.
The Paths Of Action
Some who awaken to these realizations, who see much of what is going on, give themselves up to despair. But many decide to fight the evil. Of those, many stories of great valor and courage unfold in the daily life of these fighters for truth and light and life. Some work against the violence of the state, the misuse of military and police that were supposed to be for defense and protection only. Some fight to reclaim real education in the schools. Some work to turn agriculture back to the principles of working with nature instead of poisoning the land and producing a deadly imitation of food. Some fight to stop the dumping of millions of tons of toxic metals and other poisons from jets flying now over much of the world, seemingly in a mad race to end the ability of the Earth to support life, in the name of science of course. Some fight to bring back real medicine, mostly through lifestyle and education, and save people from the horrors of modern health care. Some fight to retain the innate right of all people to self-defense and the right to keep and bear military grade arms as a deterrent to government atrocities. Some work to reclaim the court system, and to popularize nullification as a means to disempower unjust laws. Others work to abolish various demonic agencies of government and industry, organizations of death, all the way from central banks, the United Nations, the World Health Organization, Free Trade organizations and the World Trade Organization, down to to the child trafficking groups like CPS and Agenda 21 enforcers in the guise of local planning departments.
The Forgotten Weapon Our Rulers Fear
Many of those people fighting to promote these various admirable causes are great heroes and heroines, setting a wonderful example for their children and neighbors that it is not necessary to simply lie down and succumb to the interlocking agendas of malevolent rulers. Yet for the most part they are not wielding the weapon that those at the very top of the negative power structure fear the most. At all costs, those really pulling the strings on this show of planetary destruction will do whatever they can to make sure humanity never discovers this weapon, though even they are aware, that fight will eventually be lost, as deception, by its very nature, can never become permanent.
One day science will merge with wisdom and know what this ultimate weapon is. The discovery will include the knowledge and understanding that this particular weapon, when its use is perfected, can not be overcome by any force in existence. It has the ability to do what any technology, now or in the future might be able to do, and far, far more. This weapon has existed from the origins of life, and even before. It can effortlessly make the impossible possible. The wisest of the quantum physicists say it is the actual source of the hologram of our life experience. It can turn people who believed at their deepest levels that they were evil, and even those playing the parts of the most heinous of demonic creatures. into humble and sincere servants of humanity. It is the origin of real, unlimited alchemy. It is not an idea. It is not a belief or philosophy. It is not a thought, or even an energy. It has no form, but is the creator of form and experience. It is not a fantasy. Compared to it, the reality of everything else we believe to be solid, becomes highly questionable. It is the one greatest fear of those who think they are our demonic rulers, servants of darkness and would-be assassins of light.
Who Will Pull This Sword From The Stone?
This weapon is in your hands, and can only be used for beauty, and for good. It has always been in your hands. You are the one, the mythical hero the world waits for. You have only forgotten. This weapon you have forgotten is the source of infinite, unconditional Love far beyond imagination or personal ideas of “justice.” Those who spread darkness over the world have reason to fear it, yet they do not realize it is also their only way out, back to who even they once were. Those you love and all others you will someday remember as your real family do not wait on someone else to make a happy ending for this story we are in. They wait on you. This amazing and unlimited weapon of light is yours to learn to use, and in the end will cost you nothing, but will give you what you have lived without for so long, what you have sought without knowing what it might be. It will win this war for life, it will let you leave the legacy you want to leave for your children and for everyone. It waits for you, beautiful and powerful beyond imagination, beyond any system that tries to define it. It is the ultimate tool of victory that no dark mind or sophisticated trickery can ever approach. Consider the stakes, and be brave. It belongs to you, but you know not what it can do. It will be there when all else fails, waiting for you, able to accomplish all. It is pure Consciousness.
Also by this author:
Just Diagnosed With Cancer?
The Chemtrails (“Geoengineering”) – Global Warming Connection
The Chemtrails (“Geoengineering”) – Global Warming Connection
CHEMtrails and CHEMotherapy: More Alike Than You Think
Vaccination: Blessing of Science or Deception and Harm?
An Open Letter To Our “Elite” Rulers
Race: It’s A Total Fraud. Let’s Wake Up Now.
America’s Rx For Holistic Health: Compare This To Obamacare
Love, Mind, Consciousness and the “Real” World
Do You Know What Sustainable Really Means?
Nuclear Solutions You Are Not Supposed To Know
From Quantum Physics To End Of Life Planning