Happiness Does Not Come In Pill Form


Happiness does not come in pill form.

Yes, these days this is a controversial statement. Doctors have attempted to prescribe happiness and it is failing miserably.

We live in a society inundated with media and social messages that if something is wrong in your life – take a pill. If you aren’t happy – take a pill. Depressed – have a pill. Can’t sleep? Stressed out? Take a pill. We are medicating ourselves in to oblivion and the range of side effects can be catastrophic if not fatal.

The problem isn’t that you aren’t consuming enough pills or even the right pills. The pills themselves are only compounding the original problem. Medication does not fix unhappiness. What it does do is allow you to burry problems and not deal with them for the current moment. Do you feel better temporarily? Sure. But as soon as you miss a few doses you are right back where you started, only now with a slightly more toxic body. Many of these medications can be addictive as well which can lead to even bigger problems down the road.

If magic pills aren’t the answer, what is?


If you are not happy that is a message that something needs to change in your life. It isn’t an easy thing to really take a good hard look at our world and realize that something just isn’t working. It can be a belief, an attitude, a job that makes you unhappy, your living situation, even relationships.

Humans have a tendency to mull things over, dwell on them, think them through and then think some more all the while staying emotionally and literally stuck. Stuck is a terrible feeling. Stuck is why many run to the doctor for the prescription in the first place.

How do you get unstuck?

First and foremost be clear headed when you make life-altering decisions. Mood altering medications do not allow you to think like yourself. Once clear, then it’s time to commit to change. Ask yourself and be honest -What would make you happy? What steps do you need to take to get there?

Change can be painful, but like ripping off a Band-Aid the more slowly you do it the more painful it is. Once it’s off, it’s off the real healing can begin.

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Sarah Barendse
Writer | Graphic Designer at Sarah Barendse Creative
My name is Sarah Barendse. I am a Natural Health Advocate, Writer, Graphic Designer, Life Enthusiast, and Spiritualist. I have been writing for Natural News since 2013 and uncovered some pretty crazy health and wellness issues that seemingly had gone previously unnoticed.

While I publish here I also have my own site, www.SarahBarendse.com. Please visit me there for more in depth articles!