Grow Tall Au Naturale!


Here Are The Top 10 Simple And Best Exercises To Increase Height Naturally

The charismatic presence of tall people is indeed magnetic. An advantage of heights gives confidence and poise, and it is no wonder that some women look for ways to look taller. Sure, platform heels and colour illusions such as all-black attire do offer good temporary solutions, but if you are looking at natural ways to increase your height permanently, here are some tips:

1. Stretches:

Stretching exerts additional pressure on the long bones of the body to grow in length and mass. Itis recommended for everyone, for at least 15 minutes a day, ideally before and after you go for a walk or do a workout. Stretch after having a bath while your muscles are warm. Some of the stretches you can try are the cobra, the bow down, the bridge, twists, the table and leg stretches.

2. Yoga Positions:

Yoga, when done regularly, can stimulate growth-inducing hormones in the body. Some yoga poses involve stretching, which strengthen the muscles and improve body posture. Try poses such as cobra pose (bhujangaasana), mountain pose (tadasana), pleasant pose (sukhasana), triangle pose (trikonasana), and tree pose (vriksasana). You can add Suryanamaskar to your fitness regime too.

3. Bar Hanging or Vertical Hanging:

Bar hanging is a workout where youhold the bar using your hands, about 6-7 feet above the ground and swinging your body while hanging from the bar. Invest in a bar or use a gym that has these bars for customer use. Hang from it with your arms and spine stretched for 10 seconds. The back should be kept straight while swinging on the bar. Repeat 12 sets or continue to do this for 2 minutes every day.

4. Inverted Hanging:

Hanging exercises are beneficial to increase one’s height naturally even at age of 18. When you use your legs to hold and hang from the bar, you get the inverted position, which is beneficial in stretching muscles. These exercises might appear a bit difficult at the beginning, but if you practice every day, you will eventually master them. You must do this routine only under the guidance of a fitness trainer.

5. Swimming:

Swimming is an intense exercise that will help build core strength and lengthen your muscles. Two hours of daily swimming on alternate days a week can be highly effective in increasing your height. When you swim, you stretch and elongate your entire body, thereby providing a full-body workout. The breast stroke is specially recommended for those who hope for an increase in their height!

6. Skipping:

Skipping is a heart pumping exercise and a high speed activity. It causes entire muscles and ligaments in the body to stretch and contract, making them elastic.It also keeps the body erect, and stretches the spine and the back muscles. The constant bending of the knee while skipping causes vertical expansion of the calf muscles.If you practice skipping regularly for 3-6 months, you will see your height increase.

7. Dance routine:

Plyometric exercises are known for increasing leaping heights, and thus improve body balance, agility. They are mostly used in dance routines such as ballet and in some athletic regimen,to improve explosive jumping, speed, and core stamina. You don’t need an expensive gym membership or tools to practice them; any free space like a terrace or a studio would do! Try these exercises on alternate dates, so that the rest day can aid in muscle recuperation.

8. Sports:

Regular exercise and sports enhances one’s height. When you are physically active, your body demands more healthy nutrients and consequently, an increase in nutrient intake results in growth.Indulging in sports like swimming, aerobics, tennis, cricket, football, basketball or a number of stretching exercises are a good way to keep our body growing.

9. Go on Sprints:

A sprint is a short spell of running at full speed. It stretches the body muscles, thereby aiding in height increase. Unlike marathon training which relies on consistency at a slow but sure speed, sprint intervals require you to use maximum effort. Sprint intervals also influenceyour metabolism to peak for several hours after you complete a workout, boosting your weight loss efforts; this makes you slim and look taller!

10. Square, stiff and lift:

Is this even an exercise, you may doubt. Well, this may be the most simplest of them all. Posture is a key factor in appearance. No matter how tall you are, the wrong pose will show you as a shabby person. Conversely, even a short person can appear tall if he held himself stiff, erect by squaring his shoulders and lifting his head high! Try this instant tip in increasing your height!

Aradhana Pandey
I’m Aradhana. I am a passionate writer and love to write on topics like yoga, wellness, health and lifestyle. I believe good health is the key to success and happiness. Through my writings I love to motivate people to develop healthy habits and adopt natural ways of living to achieve sound health. In my free time I love to experiment on new cuisines and travelling.