Our Grandmothers Traditional Remedy For Asthma, Bronchitis, Cough & Lung Diseases


Many people suffer from various diseases or disorders such as asthma, bronchitis and various types of cough are some of the most common conditions. Infections, allergies and smoking can cause a certain type of lung disease or disorder.

There is a popular traditional remedy that can help alleviate almost any problem with your lungs, especially asthma, both bronchial and cardiac. Our grandmothers have prepared this remedy in the past and according to those who have already tried it, it seems that they were right about its healing power.

Remedy for Asthma, Bronchitis, Cough & Lung Diseases

Ingredients needed:

– 1.1 lbs / ½ kg red onions
– 1.1 lbs / ½ kg brown sugar
– 2 lemons
– 6 cups / 1.5 l water
– 7 tablespoons of organic honey


Put the sugar in a metal bowl and preheat it on a moderate temperature.
Mix the sugar constantly until it reddens.
Cut the onion into tiny pieces and fry them shortly.
Then add the onions in the bowl and pour the water.
Boil this mixture(on a moderate temperature) until 1/3 of the water evaporates.
Leave the mixture to cool down and squeeze the lemons.
Pour the lemon juice in the mixture and then add the honey.
Mix them good all together.
The Traditional Remedy For Asthma, Bronchitis, Cough And Lung Disease is almost done.
Leave it to stay overnight, squeeze out the liquid and pour into glass water. That’s it.
Traditional Remedy For Asthma, Bronchitis, Cough And Lung Disease is ready for use.

How to consume it:

Consume one tablespoon of the mixture before and after a meal. Repeat this procedure until your lung’s condition is better. Children should consume one teaspoon of this medicine before every meal.

We hope that this Traditional Remedy For Asthma, Bronchitis, Cough And Lung Disease will help you in treating these diseases and make you feel better.


1) yourfoodcorner.com

2) healthyfoodhouse.com

3) naturalcuresandhomeremedies.com

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Prof. Hesin
I am herbalist and write on variety of topics from nutrition to natural health, herbal medicine, nutritional supplementation, mind/body medicine and i enjoys the challenge of providing my family with healthy food options that fit with their busy lifestyle.