Good Nutrition Tips To Keep A Healthy Brain


You feel tired, exhausted, without energy even if you eat healthy food and regularly use vitamins.  Perhaps the problem is that the food in the body does not always feed your brain. Each day, the brain takes almost 25% of the calories that with food you enter into the body. Therefore, it is very important to keep track what kind of foods you intake, if you like your brain to work well.
There are foods which, if included in our diet can optimize the function and operation of our brain. Some foods have super powers for the brain and helps in the prevention of various medical conditions that affect the state of this specific and very important organ. A well balanced diet rich in essential nutrients is very important for creating energy in the brain and to maintain his health.

So do you like to find out which food helps to focus better? Which foods increase our concentration? Can we through the food influence on the brain and its functioning and thus to minimize the effects of aging of the brain?

Read below.

Fish – Fish is a good source of protein and is rich in omega 3 fatty acids important for the development and functioning of the brain. Eating these healthy fats reduces the risk of dementia and stroke and helps to preserve the vitality of the brain especially during aging. Eat fish at least twice a week.

Tomatoes – Tomatoes are rich in the antioxidant lycopene. This antioxidant fights free radicals and eliminate them from the body, thus preventing brain damage due to oxidation. This is beneficial to the overall health of the brain and is a protective measure against memory loss and other undesirable conditions, such as Alzheimer’s syndrome.

Chilli Peppers – 100 grams Chile Peppers contain 144miligrams of vitamin C, which is much more than other fruits and vegetables (e.g. Orange). The antioxidant properties of this vitamin prevent brain damage from oxidative stress, deal with and eliminate free radicals.

Pumpkin seeds – They are powerhouses of zinc, a mineral that boosts memory. Along with adding enough energy to the brain, zinc plays a major role in the overall health of the brain. A handful of pumpkin seeds per day prevents brain damage.

Broccoli – Enriched with vitamin C, vitamin K, and choline, broccoli is great brain food. While choline is essential for maintaining healthy neurotransmitters and increase memory power, vitamin C increases the cognitive power, and thus delay the dementia associated with aging.

Nuts – Blessed with a cradle full of omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids, folic acid, vitamin E and vitamin B6, nuts – walnuts, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts are good fats that help to strengthen the brain.
Vitamin E in the fruit helps delay memory loss associated with age, and the presence of essential fatty acids provide better circulation, thus providing better health for the brain.

Cocoa – chocolates were originally made from cocoa, but today you can find only traces of this ingredient in milk chocolate. However, dark chocolate is a good source of cocoa. Studies conducted on cocoa benefits for the brain suggest that these dark brown grains can actually help prevent cognitive decline and dementia.

Blueberries – These dark blue balls are rich in vitamins and antioxidants that strengthen the brain. Regular consumption of these healthy fruits increases memory power, and their antioxidants eliminate free radicals and reduce oxidative stress that affects the brain.

Flax seeds – Flax is a good source of omega 3 fatty acids – ALA, which help in the production and protection of neurons. It also contains AA and GLA – members of Omega 6 fatty acids. They can help the development of neurons, and regulation of the brain. Regular use of this 1-2 teaspoons of seeds per day is beneficial to improve the overall health of the brain.

Eggs – Eggs are rich in basic nutritious materials choline.This nutrient plays an important role in maintaining a healthy brain.Include eggs in your diet can help you in getting the recommended daily intake of choline.Eggs also contain cholesterol,which is essential for maintaining healthy neurons. The presence of DHA in eggs enables better communication between neurons.

Sugar – Sugar is a staple food for the brain. The brain is not fed with ordinary sugar, sucrose, but with glucose, which the body creates from the carbohydrates we eat. Therefore, some sweet drink for a short time can encourage thinking, memory and other mental abilities. And here goes the universal rule that it is best to be moderate, do not want to end up with excess weight, right?

Caffeine – Caffeine is found in coffee, chocolate, energy drinks and some medicines. Has a short-term effect, but can shake you. It helps you to focus and concentrate better. However, in the consumption of products with caffeine remember that overdose with caffeine will create difficulties.

Avocado – Avocado is a good source of healthy fats and does wonders in boosting circulation. This is important when it comes to the power of the brain because it is related to blood flow in the brain, which is necessary for its normal functioning.

Whole grains – These are foods that improve circulation and help to maintain the level of glucose in the blood, and the more stable level of glucose in the blood, it is easier to concentrate. It is therefore important to have breakfast, because this meal not only drives the metabolism, but also maintain the level of blood sugar to be balanced.

Sage – Sage for a long time has a reputation as a great ally of the brain and memory. Although it is recommended to try sage oil, its use in food in all forms, will not hurt you.

Apples – are thought to contain quercetin, which helps prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

Bananas – are a rich source of carbohydrates, but also raise the level of serotonin, which is thought to be responsible for the good mood.

Red wine – in principle,most helps to relax as act as a good relaxant.This wine is rich in antioxidants and flavonoids, and recent studies show that it can prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

Olive oil – if in your salad you add some healthy fats like olive oil you will help your body to absorb more antioxidants than just from vegetables.

Five rules which have to be followed:

Strive to have five meals a day and in everyone include fruit and vegetables.

Replace the white bread, cakes, biscuits with rice and sweet potatoes.

Reduce protein and red meat in every meal to minimum.Good protein are fish, eggs, nuts, tofu and nutritional products.

Drink a lot of fluids. The fluid helps in absorption of vitamins and minerals, maintain hydration and increases concentration. Ideally, you should enter 6 to 8 glasses of water daily.

Each week have at least one or two meals with fish.

