When it comes to profitable investments, the issues of ethics and income are seldom keen bedfellows. More often than not, investors must choose whether to reap profits or tend to their ethics, and there is very little maneuverability between the two. However, as environmental awareness increases and eco-consumerism grows, there has never been a better time to ‘go green’ in terms of investment, or at least explore its potential. Finally, you can investigate the plausibility of investing with your morals and not your purse strings, and still enjoy returns on your capital.
The future of green investments
Once upon a time, not so long ago, green investments were considered risky; the concept of environmentally aware investments and the credibility of eco-consumerism was a new and ambiguous one, and few people wanted to risk taking that jump into the unknown. Now, however, after careful analysis of market trends and sustainable investment, experts have predicted that eco-concerns are likely to define the future of business over the coming half-century, rather than hinder it. Finally, the notion of ‘going green’ is starting to take prevalence across global markets – this move will likely change the way we invest and the types of business we choose to venture capital into, as well as attitudes towards green investments in general. From unmitigated risk to tempting proposition, suddenly there has never been a better time to consider investing – albeit wisely – in eco-friendly companies and initiatives such as green startups, energy companies, green stocks and bonds, and shares in sustainable products.
So, what of the strength of your portfolio should you choose to go green? While interest in eco-friendly investment is increasing, is it really worth taking that jump and risking the integrity of your portfolio? Early indications suggest that it is; eco-investment is in the here and now and, by all accounts, is also in our future, despite some difficulties in the realms of wind power and electric cars. If anything, eco-investments are likely to grow in strength and popularity in the long term, as eco-housing, tourism, and greener fuels begin to gain backing on a global scale. Often referred to as ‘impact investing’, this new way of using your money to make a difference is not only environmentally conscious, but socially responsible. Investing in the green markets is akin to investing in your future, and that of the wider community around you.
Going green: achieving your investment potential
While making the decision to invest in eco-friendly companies or products is the first step towards a sturdier portfolio, it can often be difficult to know where to turn after that initial pronouncement, particularly if you’re new to this heady world of investments, or know little about going green. Should you be throwing money into renewable energy sources, backing eco-housing, or investigating the world of eco-tourism? At times like this, it is always important to consult a professional investment advice firm before making any rash decisions, especially when money is concerned. The Fortress Investment Group is one such firm capable of guiding you through important investment decisions, while extending advice about other projects in which you may be interested. The company’s principal and co-chair of the Board of Directors, Pete Briger, is known outside of his role for a variety of philanthropic and community-driven causes, including the promotion of foreign policy issues and the rights of children. It is refreshing to be able to discuss such causes with an investment advisor, and you’ll no doubt come away with a renewed sense of confidence in your decision to back eco-investment.
So, where to next? Once you’ve consulted an investment expert, it’s time to do a little research of your own, specifically to find out how green certain companies really are, and how your money would likely be spent, were you to invest. Now may also be the time to investigate community-driven projects in your local area, allowing you to get involved with the people and missions that may mean the most to you. Besides, wouldn’t you prefer to have first-hand experience of where your money is being used, and reap the benefits of seeing its good work? Finally, don’t shy away as soon as your money is invested – as a stakeholder you are entitled to a say in how the company operates moving forwards, so air your views if you have them. You never know how eco-aware you could become, or the differences you’re capable of making, unless you really try.
From a relatively unknown and, dare we say, risky investment option, the green path has begun to be trodden with more regularity. Finally, it seems, eco-investment is on the up, and you could be riding its wave if only you’ll take that leap of faith and invest.