Gallstones are stones or lumps that develop in the gallbladder or bile duct when substances in there harden.
Some of the chemicals which exist in the gallbladder, such as cholesterol, calcium bilirubinate, and calcium carbonate, solidify into either one large stone or several small ones.
Researchers from the Keck School of Medicine of USC describe a gallbladder in the bile duct as similar to trying to squeeze a golf ball through a straw.
There are approximately 20 million Americans with gallstones. A study revealed that the prevalence of gallstones in adults in industrialized countries is approximately 10% and is showing a tendency to rise.
Who’s at Risk?
Pregnancy, obesity, diabetes, liver disease, a sedentary lifestyle, a high fat diet, and certain forms of anemia can all increase the risk of gallstones. People who are overweight and lose and gain weight repeatedly are more susceptible to gallstones, as are women who have had two or more children.
Gallstones can range in size from smaller than a grain of sand to larger than a golf ball. According to the American Medical Association, 80 percent of gallstones are made of hardened cholesterol that develops when there is too much cholesterol in the gallbladder. Other causes include high levels of bilirubin and a concentration of bile in the gallbladder.
Pregnancy, obesity, diabetes, liver disease, a sedentary lifestyle, a high fat diet, and certain forms of anemia are some of the risk factors of gallstones.
10 Home Remedies To Deal With Gallstones
Lemon Juice
Drink 4 freshly squeezed lemons each day on an empty belly. Continue this therapy for a week. It can help to remove the gallstones. The elimination of the gallstones gets easier when you drink lots of water.
Peppermint aids digestion by stimulating the flow of bile and other digestive juices. Plus, it has a compound called terpene that can effectively dissolve gallstones. It is also believed to help relax spasms and relieve acute gallbladder pain.
Dandelion herb helps support your liver which aids your gallbladder in its functioning. The dandelion Leaves help in promoting bile excretion from the liver thus detoxifying it and metabolize fat efficiently. They are also effective when it comes to stimulate your sluggish gallbladder. So, it does make sense to use dandelion to cure your gallstones. You can always add the tender dandelion greens to your salad or steam them and have it. You can also have dandelion tea. Here’s the recipe for the same.
Psyllium is a very good source of soluble fiber, hence it is considered a good remedy for gallstones. The fiber in psyllium binds to the cholesterol in bile and helps prevent gallstones from forming.
Plus, it promotes normal bowel movements, which reduces risk of the gallbladder system becoming congested. In addition, psyllium prevents constipation, a condition associated with increased gallstone formation.
Epsom Salts
Epsom salts allow the gallstones to move readily through the bile duct. Pour one teaspoon of Epsom salts into room temperature water and drink it during the evening.
Quebra Pedra
The herb quebra pedra can be manufactured in to a tea and drunken for the alleviation of gallstone signs. Put in a few teaspoons of the natural extract to 8 ounces of water. Continue this for 2-4 weeks.
Apple Juice and Apple Cider Vinegar
The golden saying- an apple a day keeps the doctor away- is not so popular without any reason. With all its health benefits, apple is also capable of dissolving gall stones when taken in the forms of juice and apple cider vinegar. The malic acid present in the apples assist in softening gallstones and vinegar stops the liver from making cholesterol that are responsible for forming stones in gallbladder. Not only this fruit dissolves gall stones but also prevents the recurrence of gall stones as well as subsides the pain that you get during flare ups.
Having 1/2 a glass of wine each day can help to keep gallstone attacks away. Researchers found that consuming 1/2 a glass of wine can reduce the amount of gallstone attacks by as much as forty percent. But don’t overload. The research did not discover that consuming more than half of a glass would provide any additional protection.
Castor Oil
Castor oil has many medicinal and healing properties that can help minimize and reduce the number of gallstones. Its anti-inflammatory properties help neutralize inflammation and reduce pain. Plus, castor oil packs have a positive effect on the immune and lymphatic systems.
Rosemary is yet another essential herb which assists with gallstones. It enhances the production of bile and stops spasms from occurring inside the bile duct. It also aids in breaking down fat.
Reference and source: health benefits, apple is also capable of dissolving gall stones when taken in the forms of juice.. fiber in psyllium binds to the cholesterol in bile and helps prevent gallstones