What Is Reality?
Quantum Physics offers us some ideas that most would consider pretty far out of the box of normal thinking. For example, it says solid matter is not solid. But that’s just the beginning. It also suggests that what appears to be the material world may not exist on its own, but only as a projection of our own consciousness, a Hologram. What is the basis of this unusual line of thought, how can we use it, and how can we tell if it is real? That reminds me of what President Clinton said when he was being pressured to explain one of his alleged sex affairs. He was being very tricky, but legally accurate, when he said that what he actually did, depends on what the definition of the word “is” is. Similarly, but not to be tricky, in order to answer the question of whether something is real, we have to define what “real” means. What is real to one person is often not real to another. Which one is “right?”
Playing With Tinker Toys
Have you ever seen the tinker toy model of an atom, that was used for many years in elementary schools to teach kids the basic parts of an atom? It had colored balls of wood about an inch or two in diameter, connected by straight pieces a few inches long, into the form we all memorized as being what an atom looked like. In the middle were protons and neutrons, and then they were connected to the outside balls which were the electrons, all color coded so you could see the difference. I got this lesson in elementary school, and it was decades later that I realized the scale was wrong. That was not what an atom really looked like. One of the books on quantum physics explained that if you went to the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican, and hung a thread from the center of that famous ceiling painted by Michelangelo, half way to the floor, and at the end of that thread somehow fastened a grain of rice, that would represent the nucleus of an atom. Then if you took a few grains of dust, and somehow set them to flying around the edge of the cathedral almost as fast as light, that would be a roughly accurate picture of the true scale of an atom’s distance ratios.
The first thing you would notice is that this “atom” is almost entirely made up of one thing, empty space. As the investigations of sub-atomic particles continued, electrons were found to go seemingly in and out of physical existence, and it became questionable, as the ability to see smaller and smaller particles progressed, that any of the sub-atomic particles were solid after all. Everything became defined in terms of spin and vibratory characteristics. Mass was an illusory effect of these two things. Then more amazing observations were made. It turned out that these characteristics were affected and changed by someone merely observing them. It was found that the outcome of experiments was actually influenced by the experimenter’s thoughts and beliefs. Not superficial beliefs, such as a person might recite if asked what he or she believed. But rather by deep subconscious beliefs that determine a person’s experience and interpretation of life. Ultimately, the theory evolved that outside “reality” for each one of us is just a projection of our own consciousness, or you could say, a very real-appearing, dimensional, hologram.
You And Your Body Projection
Now since our bodies are part of the hologram in this understanding, they are not who we really are, but part of what we are continuously “projecting.” Likewise, on a much deeper level, our thoughts and emotions are part of the hologram of our experiential reality as well. All of these things are coming out from our actual being, which remains through all the changes, all the appearances and disappearances of apparent physical reality and the patterns of thoughts and feelings that come and go. Our actual self, in this view of reality, is that indescribable origin of our entire hologram, that we might call “consciousness.” It is permanent, exists even before thought. It is the source of the hologram we live in, so it is clearly not subject to physical death. This starts to get very interesting if we have the courage to follow it further, and consider the possibility of things beyond our realm of familiar “reality.”
Then What About God?
It might appear that this view of life is atheistic, and perhaps fatalistic with no meaning to existence, but actually the exact opposite is true. This perspective admittedly does not support the idea of God as a man with white hair sitting in a chair in the sky, passing judgment on us and sending us (his children) into permanent realms of torture if we disobey. This kind of obedience through perpetual fear of a deity that loves us so much he is willing to send us to hell forever is not supported. However, what is supported as this investigation goes deeper, is an all-inclusive Consciousness in which we all exist, which emanates harmony on a scale beyond understanding, which could also be called Love, of the kind that is unlimited, universal, totally beyond any kind of judgment, and to which every single one of us without exception, is intimately connected. In fact, the idea of condemning or judging any part of the hologram, when the reality is this constant love and harmony, would not have any meaning. There cannot be any of us that originated from anywhere other than this original all-encompassing consciousness of Love, even though we may go through long phases of forgetting who we always were and will be. These phases of forgetfulness are full of pain, as we all know from experience, but they are not permanent, whereas we, on the other hand, are. And our real identity is the same as that from which we came, and in which we still really live, but have forgotten. There is nothing else we could be, because this God, Spirit, Source or whatever name we choose to give it, is all that has ever been.
One Consciousness
It is interesting that where quantum physics is going is leading right to a coalescence with teachings of many spiritual teachers who base what they say on their own internal experience, past the realms of mind and emotion, into the pure consciousness from which they come. The style of such teachings has changed with time and custom, but not the essential message. Many of them are quoted as saying in various ways “there is only one God.” But nowadays, thinking superficially in terms of one religion versus another, we have often interpreted such statements as saying the religions like Hinduism or the pantheistic beliefs of indigenous peoples that speak of many supernatural beings are wrong, and that our beliefs in one God who is the only real one, is right. A more accurate interpretation would be that there is only one being, regardless of what it is called, one Consciousness, one Love, which never changes, because time itself is a characteristic of the hologram, not the reality, not the Source. And if there is only one being, who are we? They would say that we are all that one Being, experiencing itself through our temporarily limited perspective as separate beings in the hologram. But there is, in reality no one but this original Source. That is why they teach such deep respect for all beings, including all humans and all other creatures, because at the core of each one is that source of Love. One indigenous South American tribe has a greeting that translates “you are another me.” It has deep meaning from long ago, and they remember. We are not just all connected because of what the anthropologists have identified as a common geographical area of origin, though it would help to remember this in order to do away with the myth of different “races” of people. Everyone of us, like snowflakes, is completely unique, and cannot be stereotyped as belonging to a “race” as the word is used today. In the perspective we are exploring in this article, we are literally all One, and our essential character, once we get past the distractions of the mind, is Love.
The spiritual teachers that have experienced the internal reality that is beyond the far reaches of the hologram have all taught the same thing. On the continuum between the original Consciousness and the hologram we project of so-called three dimensional reality (i.e. “the universe”), there are many steps on the way from there to here, all projections of increasing apparent density caused by slower and slower frequency. Even here on this very dense level of projection, Love is the hidden Essence of everything, because it is still the only reality.
Good Guys and Bad Guys
But on this level, where vibration is relatively so slow (atomic vibration only at 9/10 the speed of light), where we have long forgotten the memory of who we really are, some of us have taken on the imaginary identity of “bad guys.” There are bad guys of the minor kind (and by “guys” I mean of both sexes, not just men) who might play the part of your nasty neighbor who says and does mean things to you just for the chance to cause you pain. There are bad guys of the more serious kind like criminals who rob your house or kill people for business or pleasure depending on the kind of mental condition they have. Then there are the really serious bad guys who may run governments or corporations that carry out genocidal intent. And above them in the power structure are those who have become even darker, and intend to destroy everything they can with maximum pain. For the most part, those of greater awareness, from places other than our planet, are incredibly benevolent, and want only for us to remember, leave this play of good versus evil, and take back our real heritage and identity. But there are a very few with evil intent, E.T.’s who are yet from our 3rd dimensional reality, and this point of view would agree with what we have heard from David Icke and others, that this tiny minority of E.T.’s that have embraced the dark side of consciousness, are the source of direction for the evil world rulers who torment humanity now, and for the last many thousands of years. They have utterly forgotten their real identities, and have become lost in the pursuit of pain and death, causing themselves even more torture now and in the future, because they go completely against their real inner selves. But they will one day remember, as we will, since they are not made of this hologram material, but of permanent Consciousness, the same as all of us.
The Forgotten Option
So as conscious beings that do not want pain and death, who do not wish evil things for others, we have no choice but to continue on the best we can with our physical lives, defending as and when necessary against the attacks of those playing the parts of the bad guys that they have chosen. But while we have to take defensive measures on this 3-D level of the hologram as needed as their plans to destroy us (physically) progress, we have at the same time an incredible option that those playing the “bad guys” do not want us to EVER discover. Those at the top of the bad guys hierarchy understand it, and know it would be the end of their game. And that option is to literally reconnect internally with who we really are. The reason is that, according to all we have been discussing here, that original self for each one of us, is one and the same Conscious being, Source, Spirit, or whatever we choose to call it. Reconnecting with it in conscious experience would have a ripple effect across all of consciousness, and even give us the ability to powerfully invite those of the dark side persuasion to abandon their evil intent and come back, like prodigal sons and daughters, to who they really are. This ability to reconnect is our ultimate forgotten Power, and it is to prevent that reconnection at all costs, that those at the top of the negative power structure design their agendas. For each of us, the time will come when we are ready to give up chasing ephemeral parts of our own holograms, and reconnect to the solid reality of this Love which goes beyond the mind, yet permeates and sustains all that is, because underneath all appearances, it IS all there is.
End of Life And Two Kinds Of Health Care
Finally, as implied in the title of this article, a word about “End of Life,” as popularized recently by the counseling that is one of the features of our new “health” plan for America, courtesy of Obama and his “elite” bosses. From the point of view of the quantum physics explored above, there is no real end of life, because beginnings and endings are connected to “time,” which is just a feature of the projected hologram we each live in during this prolonged journey away from our original state of being. But for the moment, since we are experiencing life in physical consciousness in the apparently solid environment of the 3-D world, we have this way to feel a lot better while we are here, and it is called “health.”
Now our dark side oriented rulers have given us, as part of their agenda to destroy us all, painfully and expensively, a fake “health care” system based on symptomatic treatment of “disease” with poisons and invasive treatments that make us even sicker, and almost guarantee a very unpleasant old age and death. But even while we are here living in this hologram, oblivious to who we really are, there is another way for those who don’t choose this type of end of life. Instead of being based on poisons and destructive treatments, it is based on harmony with Nature, and the essence of Nature, and the real essence of the physical bodies we want to keep healthy, just like the ultimate essence of all that is, is Love. Learning how that Love functions in physical bodies is the basis of real health care, and it has been known to those who truly explored it, for many thousands of years and more. A two thousand year old version which has valuable practical application, with a few adjustments for modern conditions we live in now, can be seen at http://www.thenazareneway.com/essene_gospel_of_peace_book1.htm.
Those who take the time to study this example of real health care will see that end of life preparation, at least for those who do not choose the Obamacare option, begins NOW, no matter what stage of life you may be experiencing at the present time. This approach recognizes that that original essence or consciousness within the body, is the only source of healing, and if we give it the conditions and help it requires in our everyday life, our healing starts right away. All of our days from this one on, are what determine what our “end of life” will be like, so it is worth the effort now, if we have the foresight to appreciate it. But regardless of whether we choose life-affirming, self-applied health care or stay lost in the fake healthcare system our rulers want us to follow, this entire discussion of a quantum physics point of view lets us know that we, our conscious awareness, our actual life, has never really ended up to now, and will not end when we close this chapter of the hologram, replace it with one on a higher frequency, and move a step closer to our return to an awake state of who we really are. This view reminds us we are permanent beings, whose nature and Essence is a Love beyond what we can currently imagine, but to which we can return and experience. It is our ultimate power, and our permanent birthright, even if we have so utterly forgotten that we now play the part of a “bad” person. There is no future in that, other than the continuous projection of pain for self and others. No one can escape the results of destructive actions and hurting others by belonging to any “elite” group, any more than any of us can continue to eat junk, abuse our bodies and stay healthy and strong.
Not Another Belief System, Just A Frontier To Explore
I am not presenting this whole consideration of a “spiritual, quantum physics” point of view as a passing curiosity. I have seen some of its reality first hand. It does not threaten any belief systems, because it is not a belief. It is about another level of experience, available to absolutely anyone, and does not require changing beliefs, only adding experience. Oh but there is one prerequisite to actual experience of what this consciousness can do. Willingness to live internally in universal and unlimited Love, while you do the best you can on the ordinary level in your daily life, is required. The potential is beyond awesome. I encourage those with courage and willingness to explore, to do so. It is an amazing journey. Draw your own conclusions from what you find.
Also by this author:
Just Diagnosed With Cancer?
The Chemtrails (“Geoengineering”) – Global Warming Connection
The Chemtrails (“Geoengineering”) – Global Warming Connection
CHEMtrails and CHEMotherapy: More Alike Than You Think
Vaccination: Blessing of Science or Deception and Harm?
An Open Letter To Our “Elite” Rulers
Race: It’s A Total Fraud. Let’s Wake Up Now.
America’s Rx For Holistic Health: Compare This To Obamacare
Love, Mind, Consciousness and the “Real” World
Do You Know What Sustainable Really Means?
Nuclear Solutions You Are Not Supposed To Know