Fluoroquinolone Toxicity for Dummies


Fluoroquinolone drugs are the atomic bomb of antibiotics. Designed only to be used in extreme situations as a drug of last resort, fluorquinolones have emerged in the last 10 years as the doctors first line drug. Market under the names Cipro, Levaquin and Avelox, these antibiotics are the equivalent of taking a wrecking ball to a doll house. The side effects for many are disabling and long term, many victims not even experiencing side effects until as far as 8 months out. The list of physical ailments from this drugs are long and varied, each victim having their own “grocery list” of physical complaints. These complaints can include, joint pain and swelling, stiffness, mental issues such as severe free floating anxiety, depression, suicide ideation, insomnia, uncontrollable twitching and jerking, severe food iltollerances and the list goes on. For more on the dangers and symptoms visit The Fluoroquinolone Victims Advocacy Network. http://fluoroquinolonevictimsadvocacynetwork.webs.com/drug-dangers

Quinolones were discovered in the 1960’s as a byproduct of quinine synthesis.  Experimental modifications to the quinolone nucleus have produced over 10,000 agents, many of which expressed antibacterial properties as topoisomerase II (DNA gyrase) and topoisomerase IV inhibitors. Quinolones were discovered in the 1960’s as a byproduct of quinine synthesis.
Experimental modifications to the quinolone nucleus have produced over 10,000 agents, many of which expressed antibacterial properties as topoisomerase II (DNA gyrase) and topoisomerase IV inhibitors. What does all that techinical jargon mean? I stated this is “Fluoroquinolones for Dummies” here’s what it means. Fluoroquinolones stop bacteria from replicating by damaging the DNA strand that makes replication possible. That’s great if it only stopped the replication of bacteria but they don’t. They also stop the healthy DNA from replicating so the results are you no longer have a UTI, now you have damage to your DNA. Not a good trade off if you ask me.

Standard antibiotics work in a way that the drugs permeate the cell walls of the bacteria and essentially “pop” the the outer lining, thus hindering the integrity of the cell wall and stopping replication. Imagine a water balloon that someone pops with a needle. Simple right? Fluoroquinolones are the equivalent to throwing a bags of rock into a moving car engine and expecting it to slowly and safely stop the vehicle. It will stop the car but it’s not a safe or sound way of going about the process.

If you believe you have been harmed by Levaquin Avelox or Cipro, there is help. http://fluoroquinolonevictimsadvocacynetwork.webs.com/

Erin Wilson