Five Tips For Growing Taller (Even If Your Parents Are Short)


Regardless of the reason, it seems like everyone would like to be a little taller. Unfortunately, genetics factor into the equation quite a bit – but that doesn’t mean there isn’t any hope for change. We know we cannot control genes ourselves, but what we can control can play a role in whether or not we’re good for every last inch we’re genetically capable of. The best thing to do is to adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Here are five of the most important factors for optimum height.

A healthy diet
Adopting a diet emphasizing whole, natural foods is the first step to take in ensuring optimum health and physical growth. Leafy greens, lean meats and plant-based proteins are all essential pieces in a diet promoting growth and becoming as tall as you can be. Calcium from dairy helps to grow and build strong bones, and the nutrients from a variety of meats and vegetables support them. If you want to grow taller, eat better!

A regular exercise routine
Regular exercise allows your body to grow and develop. With a regular regimen, you’re giving yourself the best possible shot at becoming as tall as you can possibly be. Your body needs to constantly renew itself. Your cells are replacing themselves all of the time, and they need the most optimal conditions to develop in the best way. With regular exercise, you’re contributing to your general well-being and giving yourself every opportunity to grow taller.

A regular sleeping pattern
Did you know your body does a lot more during sleep than you ever realized? Sleep gives your system a chance to reset and repair itself. Without a predictable sleeping pattern, your body becomes confused and malfunctions – even as you have no idea what’s going on. The fact is, your body needs a reliable sleeping schedule, or your whole system will go awry – whether you truly realize it or not. When you deprive yourself of proper sleep, your body doesn’t get an opportunity to perform a variety of essential functions. You’ll have greater trouble digesting food and storing the right nutrients for energy. All of these add up quickly to your body not being able to reach its full growth potential (read here for more details).

Don’t get sick
One of the best ways to grow taller is to not get sick. Really! When your body is too busy fighting off diseases and viruses, it has no time or energy left afterwards to perform its first and most important job: to grow. The good news is, with the healthy lifestyle outlined above (proper diet, exercise and sleep) you’ll be giving your body the best fighting chance to stay well. When your cells have the nutrients they need to function, they have fewer problems maintaining your general health. When your body is healthy is when you are growing!

Don’t smoke
Smoking has been proven time and time again to damage cells and stunt growth. If you are a teen or young adult smoker, your height may already have been stunted by your habit! Stop now. If you are looking to gain height, smoking will do you no favors. Not only does it make your organs work harder, it destroys cells and marginalizes any nutrients absorbed by the body. If you’re looking to grow taller, the easiest step to take is to put down that cigarette!

Ron Yahaloms