First of all, what is considered an abnormal temperature? Everyone knows that the “normal” temperature is considered to be 98.6% F. Yet, even that has come under question as recent studies have determined it to be more in line with a temperature of 98.2% F. It has also been determined that what may be normal for one person may not be normal for another. I know someone who consistently has a slightly lower temperature and that seems to be their “normal” number.
The human body is, as we all know, just totally miraculously made. This is why when a bacteria or virus invades our bodies our Body Intelligence knows what to do and kicks into gear. It reacts with its many weapons of mass destruction to bring about an end to any viral or bacterial infection. One of the most important weapons at its disposal is the Fever, or increase in body temperature. Why is this important? An increase in temperature will effectively stop viral and bacterial replication. Once stopped from replicating, the invaders will die off.
So, why the big rush to bring the Fever down? Shouldn’t we let it run its course and do its job? Shouldn’t we let it do its job if even if for a little while before jumping into the “get rid of the Fever” mode? Absolutely! Well then why is it so accepted that we need to take medicine if we get even the slightest Fever? In my opinion I blame a lack of knowledge and information concerning Fever on the allopathic medical community.
When was the last time you or anyone you know “schooled” on the proper actions when facing a Fever of your own or say a child? First let me say, that ANY child under 3 months that develops a fever should be taken in to see their doctor. That said, watching a Fever is always crucial. Any fever over 104 taken orally or 103 taken under armpit, needs to be brought under control and lowered. But, anything 102 and under should be monitored and left to do the job it was intended to do. Kill off the invaders of your health. Common sense here can go a long way. Do not allow the fever to stay high for an extended period of time. What you need to do is ask questions. When the doctor or caregiver says call or come back if the fever gets too high, ask them what they consider too high. Many of us just take for granted that 101 means time to give medicine to alleviate the Fever threat when in fact that is a very effective temperature in fighting off the problem. Ask them how long should you allow the Fever to work through its course of action before it is considered having a Fever “too long”. You need to be educated and they need to be educating you. Get the factual information you need so that you do not inhibit your body from doing its part in healing you by taking medication too early or when the Fever isn’t high enough to warrant medication. Parents of young children are especially too eager to try to bring a “healthy” fever down to normal more so to alleviate their own worries than for any other reason. Obviously if your child is in pain you would consider giving medication for their comfort.
There are some very important things to do with anyone with a Fever. Keeping them hydrated is a must. It is extremely easy to become hydrated with a fever and once hydrated it makes it even harder to heal and prolongs any fight to heal. Hydrate with water and/or electrolyte drinks. If someone isn’t thirsty, that’s OK. They don’t have to drink a cup down all at once. Just let them take sips or small amounts every 15 minutes or so. Any little bit is important. Stay away from any and all sugary drinks and milk. Sugar has been shown to weaken the immune systems response and we do not want that.
The biggest point I want to make here is that we as patients and parents have not been educated properly on the facts concerning Fever and its very important role in healing. The ins and outs of Fever and the steps we need to take and the steps we need to allow to play out. It is up to us as patients and parents to take the time and question and find out the answers. So, take control of your health and your children’s health. Educate and question. You as parents should know your children and what seems out of the ordinary in their actions and reactions. If there is convulsions, diarrhea, prolonged periods of vomiting then that obviously is not good and you should contact your doctor or healer/practitioner as soon as possible.