I Don’t Know What You’re Doing But Keep Doing It!


A patient goes into see his medical doctor. The doctor looks at the patient’s records and is puzzled by how well the patient is doing, as most, if not all, of his other patients never do as well as this patient is doing. Unable to figure it out, he asks the patient what they have been doing. The patient replies that they’ve been following a specific diet, taking supplements, using a sauna, meditating, and exercising. Still puzzled, the doctor says, ‘I don’t know what you’re doing, but whatever it is, keep doing it! You’re doing better than all of my other patients.” As the patient tries to explain in greater detail the outline of his successful treatment approach, the doctor quickly excuses himself and leaves the confused patient alone in the room.

This all-too-familiar scenario is played out in doctor’s offices everyday. I’ve heard it hundreds, if not thousands of times, in my practice over the past 30 years. The stories that usually stand out are the women receiving treatment for breast cancer. They decided to treat the cancer with both holistic and conventional allopathic medicine approaches. In the end, they recovered faster with fewer side effects, and their results were exemplary. The doctors are amazed, but uninterested in finding and recommending a better approach that would help all their patients achieve better results. The patients are confused as to why a doctor they trusted to do his best, was content to follow an obviously inferior approach at a time when a woman needed the best that was available.

These women, and many other men and women like them, were fortunate enough to have found an alternative choice. They decided to take their healthcare into their own hands, instead of relying on doctors that are too busy to know, care, or just uninterested in offering other choices. With the aid of the Internet and the easy accessibility to practically every research paper published in the past few decades, they found another way. A way that offered hope and other choices with different outcomes.

When it comes to creating health, most MDs don’t have any idea of where to start. They don’t find this out until after they graduate from medical school and enter the real world. Dr. Frank Lipman, MD discovered this about treating most people and writes, “I was shocked that my training was not very helpful for at least three quarters of them.” When he asked a more experienced and older doctor about this, he was told, “Don’t worry. Most people get better by themselves despite the medicine we give them. Your real job is to listen to your patient and be there for them.” These experiences were enough to send him in search of other answers, but most MDs don’t care enough to find a better solution. By default, they just keep doing what they’re doing.

The medical field has a very limited understanding about the body and how it functions. The physiology of how cells function and the role of diet, exercise, sweating, and mindfulness in creating health is outside their training and current levels of understanding. If you want to know about which medication to take for anything, then they can help you, but if you want to know about side effects, drug interactions, and how the drug functions in the body, you’ll have to ask a pharmacist. There currently only 3 states that allow pharmacists to initiate drug treatment and hopefully this will extend to other states soon, as they are the ones best qualified to do this, not MDs, DOs, NDs, Dentists, etc. With the legislative changes that have taken place, many doctors can no longer receive weekly to monthly bribes from pharmaceutical reps in the form of free trips, dinners, gifts, etc.

The pharmaceutical industry has come out and stated that patients lives are at risk when doctors are not supervised by the pharmaceutical industry. This extreme vote of of no-confidence in MDs by the very industry that has helped them to maintain a grip on the healthcare industry in many states, underscores how the medical field has lost it way.

With advances in technology and automation, eventually most medications will be able to be dispensed by machines utilizing fingerprint and iris recognition technology. The MD of the future will be a machine and MD will mean Medication Dispenser, not much different from what it means today.

The world of healthcare today is upside-down. Medical doctors, who don’t know anything about health, diet, detoxification, or exercise, are typically held to be at the top. The pharmacy industry has cornered the use of the terms “heal, prevent, or treat” and their products don’t do any such thing. The FDA, charged with ensuring health safety of all Americans, enforces the wishes of the pharmaceutical industry over the needs of US citizens. This scenario is played out in many other countries around the world.

A patient who takes his health care seriously and invests his own time, effort, and finances into finding a solution is far better off than someone who chooses by default to place the medical field in the driver’s seat of their health and wellness. Health is a moving target that is constantly moving away from us. We have to pursue it with all of our resources. The rewards of health are infinite. Ask anyone who has lost it. It is a treasure that they all seek.

Be healthy with Dr. McCombs Candida Plan!

Dr. Jeffrey S. McCombs, DC

Jeff McCombs