Discover a Japanese Cure for High Blood Pressure and Heart Disease


High blood pressure is a symptomatic condition resulting primarily from the accumulation of arterial plaque in arteries, which causes abnormal blood flow and can lead to coronary heart disease, and eventually, heart attacks and strokes. Western medical practitioners tend to treat this with pharmaceutical drugs that have a number of side effects, and as the condition deteriorates, with coronary heart surgery. A temporary solution used on former US Presidents Clinton and W. Bush were the placement of arterial stents to widen arteries to allow for greater blood flow.

But these are temporary solutions that don’t address the underlying cause—that people with heart conditions, ranging from high blood pressure to high cholesterol, have relatively closed arteries. Arteries “close” due to the accumulation of plaque formed of fibrin (tiny fibers) that hardens over the course of a person’s life, gradually decreasing the space within the arteries for blood to flow easily. This plaque develops as a result of thick, clotted blood that leaves residues of cellular waste, cholesterol and unhealthy fat that accumulate on arterial walls, a process fueled primarily by poor dietary habits. Drugs like blood thinners only thin the blood to allow it to flow through dwindling arterial space.

Changing to a plant-based diet has been shown to halt and even reverse this process, but a little-known Japanese enzyme consumed in the traditional Japanese diet has been proven to dissolve blood clots and arterial plaque by itself. The enzyme is Nattokinase, a proteolytic enzyme formed from the fermentation of natto, a type of soy.

Nattokinase was discovered in 1980 by a Japanese scientist who inserted natto into an artificial fibrin in a petri dish at room temperature, to find that the fibrin was completely dissolved in just 18 hours.

It works by acting as a thrombolytic (blood thinning) substance, meaning it can dissolve blood clots and fibrin directly, and by promoting the body’s ability to produce fibrinolytic agents like plasmin, a natural anti-blood clotting enzyme in the blood. Nattokinase has been estimated to be four times stronger in its effects than plasmin. In fact, it’s so effective at breaking down fibrin that it’s been shown to clear the amyloid fibrils related to Alzheimer’s disease.

Moreover, nattokinase does not have the short- and long-term side effects that related pharmaceutical drugs do. Drugs like aspirin work as blood thinners, but they also damper the body’s ability to produce blood clots when necessary, which can allow even minor internal and external injuries to result in excessive blood loss, and even death. Nattokinase has no such side effect, nor does it have the host of other side effects associated with heart-related medications like organ damage, and importantly, dependency.

Dr. Stephen Sinatra, a cardiologist and frequent speaker at nutrition expert David Wolfe’s longevity seminars, wrote that he has “seen it result in such significant improvements in blood pressure levels that patients are usually able to cut down, and sometimes even cut out, their blood pressure medication. Typical results are reductions of 10-20 systolic points and 5-10 diastolic points.” Dr. Sinatra recommends a starting dose of 50mg per day, before increasing it to 100mg after one week.

By clearing blood clots and breaking down plaque to help open the arteries, blood pressure normalizes and the risk of heart attack and stroke reduces significantly. No single supplement can fully replace the value of a healthy diet and proper nutrition, but anyone with or close to having a heart condition should consider making Nattokinase a staple in his or her daily routine.

Jonathan Cho