Delicious Homemade Anti-Insomnia Juice


Insomnia and the inability to sleep may be caused by low blood sugar, anxiety, depression, heat or cold, or caffiene. Insomnia is linked to a higher prevalence of chronic pain, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, it is estimated that about 23 to 34 % of the population ages 65 and older have insomnia.

Study indicates that asparagus juice improve the quality and duration of sleep, reduce the severity of insomnia and increase overall sleep efficiency.

There is nothing worse than suffering from annoying insomnia and the stressful effect it has on whole days, its tough to concentrate on work with and keep your eyes open is painstaking, and makes you quite unpleasant to be around.

Anti-Insomnia Juice Recipe


1 cucumber
1 in. ginger root
1 lemon
1 green apple
9 asparagus stalks


Soak asparagus in cold water , and chop cucumber, lemon and apple into pieces.

Blend the fruit pieces, ginger and celery well.

Discard the asparagus water, and throw the asparagus into the blender too.

Since this drink relaxes your body, it is best when consumed after lunch.

These veggies positively affect the most common causes of insomnia, indigestion, high blood pressure and stress.

Health benefits of these ingredients

Asparagus – It has 93% water, high in minerals like magnesium, which helps the body to unwind. Asparagus is extremely rich in vitamins A, C, K and E and it is also rich in fiber which balances out blood sugar. It is additionally extremely rich in folic acid which acts unwinding and mitigating.

Celery – Extremely high in vitamins such as A, C, E and K, Minerals and essential oil in celery juice have a quieting impact on the sensory system which battle a sleeping disorder and its folic acid, which has a relaxing effect on your nervous system.

Ginger – Ginger is a great food for detox. It is also known as a diuretic, flushing your system out. All of this can help you rest better at night.

Cucumber – Cucumber taking out stress’ impacts and fatigue skin. Cucumber additionally calms the body and gives a good night sleep.

Sources of article include:

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Prof. Hesin
I am herbalist and write on variety of topics from nutrition to natural health, herbal medicine, nutritional supplementation, mind/body medicine and i enjoys the challenge of providing my family with healthy food options that fit with their busy lifestyle.