Children’s self-esteem, emotional stability, mental health and behavior deeply depend on the behavior, love, and mental health of their parents. Many studies show that father’s love is as important as mother’s. According to the director of the Center for the Study of Parental Acceptance and Rejection at the University of Connecticut, Ronald P. Rohner, Ph.D, father’s rejections influences a lot children’s psychological problems, delinquency and addiction. On the other hand, father’s love increases children sense of wellness, boosts kid’s emotional health and improves physical health. When the man becomes a parent, he should be more aware about his mental stability. This is essential for children’s development.
Dad’s Bad Mood Directly Influences his Children’s Mental State
According to research, the overall mental state of a father directly affect the mental state and mood of his kids. Parents’ stress levels, mental problems and behavior influence how they communicate with their children. Therefore, the father’s behavior directly affects his child’s behavior, development and mental health. It is surprising that the mental health of a dad has long-lasting implications. This influences his child’s social skills, self-control, reactions and way of communication by the time children reach 11. According to research, a father’s depression and bad mood during the toddler years has more implications in child’s later development, social skills and life than a mother’s bad mood, anxiety and depression.
According to researchers from Michigan State University, father’s stress level harm his children language development and cognitive skills while they are 2 to 3 years old. Thus, the father’s influence has a stronger effect than the mother’s on the children’s ability to learn and produce language during this age.
Therefore, these findings a great reminder that fathers should pay special attention to their psychological well-being if they want to raise more confident, healthy children.
Father’s role in kids’ childhood, is as important as a mother’s. Their influence is a key in helping his kids grow and develop into healthy human beings.
How to Minimize Father’s Negative Mood
How to find out whether you are a toxic parent to your children? Raise awareness that you are angry, anxious and stressed out. Recognizing your stress is the first step towards finding a solution. Then, learn what makes you stressed out and angry and de-stress as fast as you can – Analyze what situations cause you stress. If you can avoid them, do it. Take up some hobby or sport that makes you more relaxed. go for a walk or take some ‘me time’. Engage in reading or writing, relieve your stress level with yoga, do whatever makes you more relaxed. This is the best way to reduce your stress level and be a better parent to your kids. If you have a long history of depression, mental illness or anxiety, seek professional help. You are the head of the family. You can’t raise healthy kids if you are suffocating. Help yourself first, in order to be able to help them grow.