Change your mood by changing your attention


If you find yourself in a lousy mood, did you know you can change it in virtually an instant? Not to downplay the slings and arrows of modern life, but it is absolutely true that where your attention goes, there your mood goes as well.

According to the teachings of Abraham, as translated by Esther Hicks, we are all vibrational beings. Every person, every thought, every possible thing, emits a vibration. In other words, it’s like a personal frequency, like a radio station. If you set your tuner to 99 FM, you can only listen to what is on that station, not anything from say, 104 FM. You have to change the station to get the music you wish to hear.

If you are feeling glum, the fact is you are giving your attention to things that are glum. If you are feeling upbeat and happy, you are giving your attention to things that are upbeat and happy. There are no exceptions to this.

Your emotions are your best friends, for they signal to you, with great precision, where your attention is focused. Pay attention to these signals, and you can orchestrate them to whatever your preference is.

The the importance of thoughts and attention in relation to mood

In the below video from a workshop given by Esther Hicks, she speaks of the importance of attention.

“We want you to use your criteria for what you give your attention to to be: how does it feel when I give my attention to it,” says Hicks. “If you will begin directing your attention based more upon how it feels – which is your in-the-moment vibrational sensor – then you can change your world and how you want it in a very short period of time.”

If you give your attention to what you want, and withdraw your attention from what you do not want, you can live in a state of freedom – knowing that at any moment, the choice is yours to feel exactly how you want to feel.

In another fantastic excerpt from an Abraham Hicks workshop featured the video below, the topic of focusing on “what IS” is addressed.

If you are observing what you have been living, and what you are living is not what you want, then your focus is on what IS, and it does not match your desire. Hicks has something to say about the problems with focusing on what IS, if it is not what you want.

“If that is the case, then it is going to be pretty slow going for you, to get from where you are – if it is a place where you don’t want to be – to where you want to be, if the majority of your attention is being given to what is,” she says.

In other words, do you give the majority of your attention to the reality of what IS? Most of us do, because we like to acknowledge reality. This seems reasonable on the surface, because to do otherwise probably seems a bit delusional. We’ve been taught to face reality, from the beginning.

Shouldn’t we face reality?

According to Hicks, certainly you should face reality, if you like it, if it is such that you want to create more of it.

“If there are things that you are observing that are not matching what you desire, and you continue to observe them, then you are continuing to allow your observation of unwanted things to train your vibrational frequency,” says Hicks.

When you take this concept and apply it to a particular mood you find yourself in, you will see that observing – in other words, focusing your attention upon – things that you do not like – you are then creating a vibrational pattern.

If what you are observing, giving your attention to, is a good thing – then that is wonderful! Keep giving your attention to that.

However, if your attention is laser-focused on a portion of your reality that you do not like, and wish to be rid of, then you will find yourself mired in a negative state of mind.

If your mood, good or bad, is based upon your beliefs (and they certainly are), you can change your beliefs. According to Hicks, a belief is just a thought that you keep thinking, and a thought is just a point of focus – in other words, where you choose to place your attention.

So you see, it does not require delusional thinking to choose to ignore reality. It is a matter of redirecting your attention to the realities that you enjoy and get great pleasure from.

If you want to experience the pleasure of a better mood, it does not have to be complicated. Make the decision that it is what you want, and then focus your attention upon the things that make you feel good. Ignore the things that make you feel bad.

By directing your thoughts to the aspects of your life – or the things around you – that make you feel good, you can get there in an instant.

Do you want to be in a better mood? Turn your attention to the things in your environment that are positive, ignore the existence of the things that are not, and you will find your mood, and perhaps your entire life, improving dramatically.

Antonia is a science enthusiast with a keen interest in health nutrition. She has been intensely researching various dieting routines for several years now, weighing their highs and their lows, to bring readers the most interesting info and news in the field. While she is very excited about a high raw diet, she likes to keep a fair and balanced approach towards non-raw methods of food preparation as well. Read more by Antonia here, and SUBSCRIBE!

A science enthusiast with a keen interest in health nutrition, Antonia has been intensely researching various dieting routines for several years now, weighing their highs and their lows, to bring readers the most interesting info and news in the field. While she is very excited about a high raw diet, she likes to keep a fair and balanced approach towards non-raw methods of food preparation as well. (