Cloudy, blurry vision might mean you have cataracts. This condition is much more common in older adults, especially those over age 60. Cataracts are the result of protein building up in the eye that is blocking clear vision. Light is not able to pass clearly to the eye. There are four types. The first is congenital which occurs when a baby is actually born with cataracts. They might also form in early childhood. The baby might have experienced an infection, poor development, or injury to the eye while in the womb. Secondary cataracts are the result of a medical condition, most commonly diabetes. Traumatic cataracts are the result of an injury. Age related cataracts form in older adults. Persons who have had eye surgery are also more susceptible. Other triggers of cataracts include smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, chronic exposure to sunlight, and excessive alcohol use.
The lens where a cataract forms is found right behind the iris of the eye (the colored part). This part of the eye helps to focus light. As we age, these lenses become less flexible and thicker. The tissues of the lens start to break down and clump together which form the clouds on the lens. The clouding develops over time and start to encompass the lens. As this happens, light become blocked and vision becomes blurred.
When cataracts form, symptoms will encompass disruption to your vision. You will see colors differently, and vision might be blurry, cloudy, or foggy. Double vision might occur. Nearsightedness is common. Your regular eye glasses or contacts don’t seem to be effective anymore. When you go see your eye doctor, he or she will dilate the pupil to check the lens of the eye. Sometimes your glasses or contacts can be corrected to help the problem. Although surgery could be a solution, there are some natural remedies to help. Garlic cloves have been said to help cataracts. This would involve eating 2 to 3 cloves per day. It is said to help clean the eye lens. There have been claims that spinach can cure cataracts. Eating spinach daily helps due to its richness in antioxidants. Having 2 to 3 cups of green tea everyday also helps for the same reason. Milk almonds are said to help with some of the side effects of cataracts such as redness and irritation. You can drink the milk that almonds have been soaked in overnight. The properties in wheatgrass, bilberry, and papain are other choices and these can be taken as whole food supplements as well. Vitamin C is good to take to help with the absorption of all these cataract helping remedies.
There is no direct cause of cataracts, but this vision impairment mostly occurs with age. It is important to have regular eye exams at least every 2 years. Cataracts can affect one or both eyes. They develop over time so early detection is important. Maintaining eye health is important by eating fruits and vegetables with nutrients. Other preventative methods include wearing sunglasses, quitting smoking, and reducing alcohol use. We want to live to literally see each day, so don’t cloud your health and take for granted the scenery we are surrounded by.