Car Crash And Kids: Why Visiting An Accident-Doctor Is An Absolute Necessity


It has often been seen that parents who rush to a car crash doctor for treatment of headache, neck pain and other discomforts following an auto collision, live under the illusion that their children, who have been in the car at the time of the accident, are doing fine. Is it possible that a collision, which caused significant problems for the parents, would cause no problems at all for the children? Practically speaking, no. Then what makes the parents imagine that their kids are all right and require no medical attention? Let’s find out.

Symptoms Surfacing Late

When it comes to accident-related injuries, for kids, things do not differ drastically from their parents. Just like their parents, kids, too, suffer injuries, but because of their inability to communicate their discomforts, parents remain oblivious of their little ones’ predicaments. In the absence of any visible symptom of wound, especially when the child does not show any sign of distress, it becomes impossible for parents to believe that their little darling is in pain. This is particularly true of infants and toddlers, who are incapable of communicating their plight to their parents properly. As a result, parents find no reason to take it seriously until the child starts behaving inexplicably. Some babies start throwing tantrums apparently for no reason, some seem to lose their normal stamina, some develop a general apathy toward food, while many other become restless after being involved in a car crash. Older children, who are slightly better with communication, often start complaining of headache, neck pain and limited movement around the joints.

Symptoms or not – Get Him Examined by An Accident Doctor Following a Crash

No bleeding and no broken bones following an accident may not mean that it’s time to celebrate. The reality is, bloodless injuries can be most treacherous – you never know how the impact has damaged your internal systems from within. You will come to know about the damages only after they start affecting your normal muscular movements. Headache, soreness of the neck, difficulty in moving limbs around the joints – a host of troubles will suddenly start manifesting their ugly heads, hampering the normal rhythm of your life.
If this is what happens to an adult, just imagine what a kid must be going through! Young children are not very good at expressing how they are feeling. When the pains, uneasiness or discomforts get the better of him, the child tries get the message across through strange behaviors such as constant crying, restlessness, rejection of food and so on. Don’t take their silence for granted. You cannot expect a toddler to tell you that not everything is fine with his system, so instead of waiting for too long, visit a trauma specialist immediately after the accident, and have your baby examined thoroughly. Keep a tab on his behavior– is he crying inconsolably? Has he lost his interest in his favorite toys? Does the kid remain sleepy throughout the day? Beware, as these can be symptoms of internal damage of the nervous system. If you notice any of them, rush to a trauma specialist without delay.

Injuries Suffered By Kids Following an Accident

As far as kids are concerned, most of the injury cases relate to the spinal cords. It may take months and in some cases even years before the symptoms surface. However, if not addressed in time, they can cause permanent damage to your child’s nervous system.
Children typically have greater flexibility in their necks. And, that is the reason why your kid is more likely to suffer a spinal cord damage. Spinal cord, which resides inside the spinal column, is extremely vulnerable to develop hemorrhage. In most of the cases, spinal cord injuries lead to nerve damage. Some spinal injuries seek immediate medical attention. If you are not in the medical profession, you are not in a position to judge whether your child has suffered significant spinal injuries or not. It may or may not be severe, but you certainly cannot afford to take a chance. Depending on the nature of the injury, it may prove to be debilitating in the long term, so why wait? A prompt and careful evaluation can help detect spinal problems, helping avoid its long-term health consequences.

How a Trauma Specialist Can Help

Spinal cord is one of the most vital systems of your body that carries all the important nerve impulses to and from the brain. Regardless of age, all children involved in auto accidents should receive a thorough spinal examination. Such an examination involves a detailed neurological evaluation of the child’s nervous system. The cranial and peripheral nerves are two of the nerves that receive maximum attention in order to detect signs of motor and sensory anomalies. In very young infants, the primitive reflexes are also examined in order to get a more detailed picture of the state of the nervous system.

Parents cannot just afford to avoid a detailed examination of spine and nervous system. A spinal injury may have both short term and long-term consequences. A damaged spinal cord may result into premature spinal degeneration. Forgoing your child’s spinal examination today may destine him to a plethora of health issues in the future including headaches, soreness and stiffness of neck, spinal instability, and other neurological problems.

Don’t delay seeking medical care from a car crash doctor for your child and for yourself,following a road accident. Every parent should remember one thing – they should not move an injured child until first responders reach the accident spot. If your child has a spinal cord, nerve or brain injury, then you can make it worse by your improper handling. You do not want to risk making it worse, do you? In addition, consult your child’s pediatrician. If the severity of injuries call for an admission into the emergency room, it is doubly more important to follow up with the kid’s doctor to make sure that your child is receiving the right care.

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A techno-geek, Olivia started working as a writer back in early 2000's and then has worked in various editorial capacities at a number of national technology publications. Olivia Taylor is a professional writer and blogger has many years of experience in these respective fields. She loves spending her time in doing research specially health, pregnancy care, stem cell banking, baby's cord blood banking and other different topics and thus she prefers sharing her innovative ideas with her readers through writing articles and blogs.