Cancer prevention: 5 tips to reduce your risk


In spite of many recent medical advances, cancer remains one of the top ten killers in the United States – and indeed in many countries around the globe. Treatment, unfortunately, remains centered around some combination of surgery, chemotherapy or radiation therapy, all of which come with their own side effects and risks. That is why cancer prevention through healthy lifestyle changes is so important. Below are guidelines for the best way to help prevent cancer before it has a chance to even start.

Reduce Inflammation

Increasingly, evidence is coming to light that links chronic, low-level inflammation to cancer development. There are many ways, however, in which people can reduce this inflammation to begin with to improve their overall health. This includes cutting down on intake of sugars, refined flours and processed meats as well as consuming a wide variety of fresh, whole foods and making sure to include fatty fish and dishes with turmeric, ginger or cinnamon, all of which have powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

Prevent Damage to DNA

Many cancers are linked to some form of damage to the DNA of cells that can eventually lead to the growth of malignant tumors in various areas of the body. There are, however, supplements and foods that can help to reduce the chances of damage to cellular DNA. These include cruciferous vegetables (rich in sulforaphane), selenium, green tea, turmeric and fermented, non-GMO soy products.

Decrease Abnormal Estrogen Levels

Certain forms of cancer – like breast cancer – have been linked to abnormally high levels of estrogen in the body. This, in turn, has been linked to the consumption of meat and dairy products that have been conventionally raised with synthetic growth hormones that find their way into milk and meat meant for human consumption. One good way to help bring down estrogen levels is to consume flaxseed regularly; flaxseed has been shown to bind to excess estrogen and expel it from the body.

Trigger Cell Death

Normal cells are designed to function for a certain length of time and then die, to be replaced by new cells in their turn. Cancer cells, however, do not respond to these signals and keep growing and replicating at an abnormally fast pace, which is what can cause the growth of tumors. However, certain natural compounds like those found in turmeric and cruciferous vegetables have been shown to be able to trigger cell death in cancer cells.

Restrict Blood Flow to Tumors

Through a process called angiogenesis, cancer tumors are able to actually create new blood vessels so that blood flow is diverted to them; the extra oxygen and nutrients then encourages the growth of the cancer. There are many nutrients, however, that prevent this process from occurring and thus promote the “starvation” of the cancer cells due to lack of blood flow. These nutrients include EGCG, the active ingredient in green tea as well as Omega 3 fatty acids, such as those found in flaxseed and certain fish.

Following these rules basically entails adding items like green tea, turmeric, cruciferous vegetables and flaxseed to the diet on the regular basis. In short, these are small lifestyle changes to make. However, those lifestyle changes can bring in big benefits in terms of natural cancer treatment or prevention.


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Meghan Telpner
Meghan has written many articles about health subjects as a journalist and as a freelance writer. As a reporter, she often covered hospital and clinic events/news and wrote news and features about health topics relevant to people in the community.