The unassuming bee that buzzes in your garden, going from plant to plant collecting pollen and nectar, plays an important part in crop development (1). However, lately the population of this key player to agricultural success has started to decrease. Fortunately, there are several innovations that have been developed in an attempt at helping these pollinators to regain a thriving population.
Teaching children to respect the bee
One of the techniques being used to help the bee population is teaching children about the important role these buzzing insects play in the food that ends up on his or her dinner table. Through sharing with children and instilling a love and respect for nature, including bees, it can help to prevent further deterioration of the environment and bee population (2).
However, learning about bees isn’t just for the kids, as companies and businesses can educate their customers on what steps they can take to contribute to assisting the bee population in regaining the thriving numbers that were once buzzing around the flowers (1).
Steps such as utilizing more natural pest management options, types of plants such as evening primrose that are known to attract bees (3) and refraining from the overuse of pesticides can help the bee population to flourish (1).
Putting bees up at the hotel
One innovative development in the attempt to learn more about bees and to help them to bounce back from the decline that they are currently experiencing is the construction of a bee hotel (3). Constructed out of hollow paper tubes and bamboo, the bee hotels provide a safe shelter for the bees to call home while also allowing researchers to learn more about what is needed to help the bee population to grow (3).
Other bee shelters have sprung up around the country, which provides sanctuary for bees, complete with flowers and fruit for the bees to pollinate (4). Through education and implementation, companies and families alike can help to support the bee population, which in turn, will help crops to grow and for the air and water to remain pristine.
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