Avoiding Medication: Natural Ways to Overcome Illnesses While Pregnant


Pregnancy can be a wonderful experience for many women. However, it is a time to be cautious about using medications when sick. When a minor illness strikes, consider using natural solutions to deal with it instead of prescription medicines, except those mandated by the doctor.

Eat healthy foods

Pregnant women need to follow a balanced diet to get adequate nutrition for themselves and their unborn babies. Each meal should include a nutritional blend of protein, carbohydrates, unsaturated fat, fresh fruits and vegetables, and a dairy product like milk or cheese. Salads that contain dark leafy greens and foods high in fiber are a great choice. Sugary foods can cause bacteria to grow and can end up causing you to take longer to recover from an illness.

Get moderate exercise

With the doctor’s permission, plan a daily exercise routine of 20-40 minutes a day, says Dr. Gilbert W. Webb. Walking, light jogging or using a stationary bicycle are often recommended for pregnant women. Just don’t overdo it. Getting exercise will help keep your body strong and better equipped to fight off illness and give birth.

Sleep seven to eight hours nightly

Without enough sleep, the body’s immune system becomes weaker and more susceptible to illness. Women who are expecting need a good night’s sleep to rest their bodies and prepare for the busy days and nights ahead after the baby’s birth. A quiet, dark room with good ventilation and comfortable coverings can help to ensure restful sleep.

Take naps

A daytime nap between fifteen and forty-five minutes is an ideal way to escape the day’s tensions and get refreshed. Naps are especially helpful in the last trimester as the abdomen enlarges and ankles begin to swell. Relaxing for a short period each day gives your changing body extra time to adjust.

Practice relaxation techniques

Pregnancy can take a toll on a woman’s physical and mental capabilities. A daily relaxation activity like yoga, reading, or meditation lets a woman escape pressures or challenges to tune in to her bodily needs and comforts. She can then return to her regular schedule with renewed vigor and energy.

Avoid unhealthy habits

A pregnant woman should not smoke, drink alcohol, use drugs, or overeat, as these behaviors can endanger her health and that of her unborn child. If you have an addiction problem, it is imperative that you work with a therapist or support group to get it under control.

Keep a journal

Writing in a diary or journal three to five times weekly has been shown in various studies to reduce stress and to enhance the immune system. Whether preventing illness or dealing with it, writing about personal feelings and concerns can jump start the body’s natural defenses.

Practices like these can help pregnant women stay healthy and overcome illness without depending on serious medications. It’s important to talk to your doctor about any new natural remedies and exercise routines before starting them.

Anita Ginsburg