Entries by John Strangis


Naturopathic Protocol for Immune System Health and Health Maintenance

I have compiled this list of items which could be beneficial towards your health. If you are feeling sick, try this naturopathic protocol. If you are not sick, it is still a great idea to include all or at least… 0 Shares |

Do FDA Approved HIV Tests Diagnose HIV Infection?

Since the beginning of the so called “aids epidemic”, the whole world was taught how to reduce their chance of contracting HIV by practicing safe sex, not sharing dirty needles when injecting street drugs etc. Along with ways to protect… 0 Shares |

How the ‘Discoverer’ of ‘AIDS’ in 5 Gay Party Boys from 1981 Made the Biggest Blunder in History

Many people might not be aware that there is a group of people who question the official HIV/AIDS story that we have been familiar with for the past thirty years.  These people are called “denialists” by the AIDS establishment. Propagandists… 0 Shares |

Wife of Tommy Morrison, Boxing Champion Dead at 44, Cites Numerous Illnesses Not Associated with HIV

By John Strangis Tommy “The Duke” Morrison passed away Sunday night after a long period of suffering from numerous health issues. News reports regarding his fight with illness have attributed his health issues to being caused by untreated HIV/AIDS, but… 0 Shares |

Study: cannabis compound might have use as an HIV drug

An article on Wired Magazine’s UK website speaks of a recent study showing that compounds in cannabis (mainly THC) are capable of destroying the HIV virus and could be used as an HIV drug. Cannabis has been used by HIV… 0 Shares |