Entries by onealexander

You must do these three things to give yourself a mental re-boot each morning
Do you catch yourself spending weeks counting down to Friday? Months counting down to payday? Then you are in need of a little jolt. Something to kick you out of the mid-year dip. You need to reinvent your morning routine.… 0 Shares |
How to Create an Online Portfolio in 5 Easy Steps
There’s no better way to promote yourself than by creating a personal portfolio. You are a brand, and your portfolio is there to present your brand in the best way possible. If you’re not online, then you basically don’t exist;… 0 Shares |
Ultimate Homemade Hair Mask for Dry Hair
Egg hair mask is used to restore your hair’s shine, to feed it and make it healthier. Although nowadays there is a huge number of hair care products available, many ladies still prefer to use simple natural remedies. Such products… 0 Shares |
Home Remedies for Detoxification
Spring is coming and detoxification is starting to be your body’s big requirement. More beautiful days are approaching, following with fresh fruits and vegetables as well as spring fatigue. The healthiest option for you is to eat fresh fruits and… 0 Shares |
Smoothies That Boost Your Metabolism
The fact is that we are less active during the winter. When we are less active, the metabolism slows down. Poor food choices can only worsen the situation, so stay with us and learn a few handy tricks on how… 0 Shares |