Entries by juicingkids.com


Adult health starts in childhood and every child deserves to be nourished. Juicingkids.com helps parents and carers create life-long juicers out of their children. As a child I stood at the juicer with my mother and now my son does the same with me. Experience has taught me how to start a child drinking fresh, raw nutrient dense vegetable juice and then keep them doing it as a daily habit. In our home now we make a daily vegetable juices with a little low sugar fruit added for taste. Kids need parents and carers to to guide them lovingly through this over processed and hyper marketed world of foods to teach them how to love and nourish their bodies. www.juicingkids.com

Juice, nourishing children’s health and values

Studies show that adult health starts in childhood. Nutrient dense vegetable juice can play a pivotal role in the health of our children by providing readily absorbed nutrients. But some believe that such health giving food/drink may provide a further… 0 Shares |