Entries by Jenny Hahn

A Little Goes a Long Way: How We Can Save the Planet
We keep forgetting that our host, the planet Earth, is a living being as we are. Everything that we do, everything that we create and express is reflecting on our planet, same as the cells in our body affect our… 0 Shares |
Whey or Casein – the Eternal Protein Dilemma
The question of whey Vs. casein is the fitness community’s version of the old “chicken or egg” quandary. Two most commonly used proteins have very distinct characteristics once they enter our bodies, yet there doesn’t seem to be any consensus… 0 Shares |
Homebrewing for a Healthier Life
Ever since it became legal sometimes in the 70’s, homebrewing has been steadily growing in popularity. In recent years it has reached new levels of popularity, mainly due to a vastly improved selection of ingredients that allow homebrewers to make… 0 Shares |
Avoiding the Pitfalls of Supplement Usage
Dietary supplements are so popular and mass consumed these days that there seems to be no need to convince anyone about their benefits. From athletes and bodybuilders to people suffering from allergies or various other conditions that prevent them from… 0 Shares |
Penny Stocks Explained
In the world of stock trading there are few alleyways and avenues with a worse reputation than penny stocks. In large part, penny stocks owe this bad reputation not to anything inherently flawed in their nature, but to the plethora… 0 Shares |