Entries by Jennifer


Obese Employees Cost Nation Billion of Dollars in Lost Productivity, Absenteeism

A study published in a recent Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine notes that the obesity epidemic contributes significantly to workplace absenteeism. As a result, it’s costing the nation billions of dollars annually. “Obesity-attributable absenteeism among American workers costs the… 0 Shares |

Study: For Better Health and Weight Control, Eat More Beans and Lentils

It’s no secret that eating fiber-rich foods extends a host of health benefits to individuals, ranging from improved heart health to a lowered diabetes risk. In fact, multiple studies from the Harvard School of Public Health show that high total… 0 Shares |

Sodium, Calories and Fats in Pizza Damaging To Health of American Children

It’s no surprise that pizza, laden with layers of cheese and greasy bowls of pepperoni, is not a healthy food choice. Sure, it satisfies cravings for carbs and cheese, but according to the Centers for Research in the Public Interest,… 0 Shares |

Traditional Chinese Medicine: How Loyola Doctor Recommends Staying Healthy This Winter

Along with the winter season often comes a barrage of health conditions ranging from the common cold to dry skin. To remedy these situations, medical professionals typically advise everything from the flu vaccination to prescribed ointments and pills. However, we’ve… 0 Shares |

Did Cardiac Arrhythmia Inspire Beethoven’s Masterpieces?

It’s no secret that a telltale sign one is listening to a Beethoven piece is that the music contains dramatic highs and lows, often filled with abrupt pauses and sudden shifts. While the majority of classical music lovers say his… 0 Shares |

Study: Optimistic People Have Healthier Hearts

While an apple a day has been said to keep the doctor away, a new study has found that positive thoughts may also work just as well. According to experts at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, those with healthier… 0 Shares |

4 Health Benefits of Maca Hot Chocolate and Maca Coffee

Most people who are on board with a healthy dietary lifestyle likely tossed their packets of powdery hot chocolate mixes a long time ago (if they ever even purchased any at all). Chances are, they’re also skeptical of coffee too;… 0 Shares |

Can Calorie Restriction Delay Age-Related Health Conditions like Alzheimer’s Disease?

The debate over what dietary habits best boost overall health while postponing age-related disorders is often a hot topic. Some studies link a high sodium diet to a faster onset of Alzheimer’s disease, while others say that the obsession with… 0 Shares |

Top 6 Ways Chia Seeds Improve Health

Chia seeds, the crunchy food once coveted by Aztec warriors for their medicinal properties, is now a commonly sought after superfood with many health benefits.(1) This means that not only do chia seeds add texture to smoothies or work nicely… 0 Shares |

Study Finds Taking Selfies Can Help Heal Skin Conditions Like Eczema

Taking selfies–yes, the word everybody loves to hate–may play a role in improving skin conditions without having to visit a dermatologist. According to findings published online October 22, 2014 in the journal JAMA Dermatology, researchers from the University of Denver,… 0 Shares |