Entries by Jennifer


4 Habits Getting in the Way of Your Weight Loss

If you’ve ever struggled to lose weight despite the fact that you exercise regularly and make healthy food choices, you’re not alone. Articles, Internet forums and televisions shows are often filled with people who express frustration over the feeling that… 0 Shares |

Top 3 Foods That Help Protect Cervical Health

Mention the word, “vaccinations,” and it often produces eyebrow-raising reactions in many people. Some vehemently advocate their safety, while others feel strongly that they do anything but improve health. The latter group may be on to something. After all, the… 0 Shares |

5 Foods to Boost Libido Naturally

We’re all familiar with the little blue pill known as Viagra, designed to help males with erectile dysfunction problems and in turn, boost physical intimacy. There are other similar drugs which are said to do the trick as well; many… 0 Shares |

Picky Eating Now Recognized as an Eating Disorder

Are you or someone you know consistently shunning certain foods, repeatedly plucking off undesirable items from meals or avoiding a type of food altogether? If so, you may have what’s now been recognized in the latest edition of Diagnostic and… 0 Shares |

Self-Administering Vaccine Patch with 100 Needles In the Works

If Mark Prausnitz has it his way, a small, bandage-like device covered with 100 tiny needles will be the way people receive vaccinations in the near future. Prausnitz, a professor at the Georgia Tech School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering,… 0 Shares |

Shiitake Mushrooms Boost Immunity Says Latest Study

Move over chia seeds and kale? After studying 52 healthy adults, experts from the University of Florida have discovered that mushrooms — shiitake in particular — are a health food superstar. “If you eat a shiitake mushroom every day, you… 0 Shares |

Juicing Helps 420-Pound Man Lose One-Third of His Body Weight

Juicing can be a controversial topic among the health-conscious. Many advocate the dietary lifestyle, saying that it packs a nutritious punch. Such people maintain that juicing allows the body to detox and acquire nutrients it might otherwise lack. It’s wonderful… 0 Shares |

A (Healthy) Super Bowl Commercial First: Avocado Ad to Appear During 2015 Game

Super Bowl commercials usually involve adorable puppies, scantily-clad sandwich eaters and potato chips. But avocados? Who would think? Well, it’s true, and it’s a Super Bowl first. Super Bowl XLIX marks the first time ever that a fruit — yes,… 0 Shares |

Blizzard 2015: Rethinking Those Milk, Bread and Booze Purchases

Much of the east coast is preparing for the infamous “Blizzard 2015.” In addition to school closings and declarations of states of emergencies, social media sites are talking up a storm (pun intended) about the weather. Topics such as #blizzardof2015… 0 Shares |

Not Exercising or Being Obese: Experts Explain Which Is Worse

Many people assume that having a normal body mass index (BMI) and a lean appearance is all it takes to maintain good health. As such, they may not bother exercising, thinking that their trim physique is all that’s required to… 0 Shares |