Entries by Nick Meyer

Report: The Most Common Funder in New GMO Safety Database Is (Drumroll Please)…Monsanto
In an effort to shift the attention away from the concerns of millions on the lack of independent safety data surrounding genetically modified organisms, industry groups have begun touting a database of GMO studies titled GENERA. But according to a… 0 Shares |
Georgia Man the Target of Armed Raid After Chopper Spots Common Plant Growing in His Yard
What began as a drug enforcement raid turned out to be a colossal mistake in Bartow County, Georgia after members of a drug suppression task force went after a man who was simply growing a food crop that is especially… 0 Shares |
Can’t Get Enough Sunlight? Here Are Five Great Sources of Natural Vitamin D
Vitamin D, aka the “sunshine vitamin,” is required in a multitude of bodily processes, making it one of if not the most important vitamins for your body to produce. The crucial vitamin is produced within the body after we’ve exposed… 0 Shares |
Did This Oscar-Winning Movie Try to Warn Us About Monsanto 7 Years Ago? Watch this Clip and Decide
Take one look at the movie poster and perhaps one American multi-national corporation comes to mind: the infamous St. Louis based genetically modified seed giant Monsanto. The tagline “THE TRUTH CAN BE ADJUSTED” adorns the original poster of the movie… 0 Shares |
Can’t Sleep All the Way Through the Night? A Little Bit of Raw Honey May Do the Trick
When we think of the best foods to eat at night, raw honey might not pop into our heads because of how sweet it is, and eating anything sweet before bed typically doesn’t end well. But raw honey is different… 0 Shares |
Five Powerful Herbs to Get You Through this Flu Season
With the changing of the leaves also comes the unveiling of the latest flu shot advertising campaigns from the likes of Rite Aid, CVS, Walgreen’s and other drug stores. But in the case of the flu shot, there is still… 0 Shares |
“America, We Are Running Out of Time:” Dr. Oz Says While Asking for Urgent Help in Stopping New GMOs – See more at: http://althealthworks.com/3896/america-we-are-running-out-of-time-dr-oz-says-while-asking-for-urgent-help-in-stopping-new-gmos/#sthash.3IZvOYmh.dpuf
Well known talk show host and six-time New York Times best-selling author Dr. Mehmet Oz has been a controversial figure at times within the holistic health community, but one thing’s for sure: he’s not afraid to tackle some of the… 0 Shares |