Entries by Marie A. Boularand


Marie A. Boularand is a certified Naturopath, Biodecoding® Practitioner and Psycho-bio Therapist. Founder of the Biodecoding® Institute, she has been practicing, teaching and writing about Natural Health, Self-healing, Personal Transformation and Human Consciousness for the past 20 years in France and the USA. Her main focus is on educating and empowering people to help them regain their health sovereignty, get out of the fear of disease, acknowledge and trust their self-healing abilities. Using common sense and searching for the root cause, her method approaches the human being at all levels of consciousness. For more information visit her website www.HEALBEYOND.com

Causes of Autism: Emotional, Genetic, Toxicity, Vaccines?

Recently a few people asked me how I would explain the emotional cause of autism when it appears after an immunization shot. I am not an expert in autism and this article is not aimed at covering all aspects of… 0 Shares |

Andre Stern the Self-taught Child : the Story of a Happy Success

WATCH THE VIDEO FIRST: André Stern, 42 years old at the time of this video, is a living experience of what happens to a child who has never received any type of education, and whose childhood has never been interrupted.… 0 Shares |

Disease: An Adjustment to Reality

By Christian Flèche, edited by Marie A. Boularand.   Today I’d like to approach health from a Biodecoding® standpoint. First, I want to emphasize the fact that the modality relies on a new paradigm, a new way of thinking, a… 0 Shares |

Questioning the Benefits of Probiotics Food Supplements

For a number of years now the use of probiotic food supplements* has been trendy in western countries. I took them on a daily basis for about two years because I used to believe in their benefits as did most… 0 Shares |