Entries by Sandeep Godiyal


Sandeep has written many health field articles for both Internet and print publication. His areas of expertise including traditional medicine, alternative and naturopathic and natural treatments, wellness, medical marijuana, diets and fitness.

Tree Nut Consumption Reduces Risk of Metabolic Syndrome

According to the American Heart Association, one in every four to five adults in the United States suffers from metabolic syndrome, a cluster of conditions which is characterized by abdominal obesity (belly fat), and elevated blood pressure, blood sugar and… 0 Shares |

Honey-Ginger Combination More Effective than Conventional Antibiotics

Both honey and ginger have a history of both culinary and medicinal use that stretches back at least to the time of the ancient Egyptians and they have been prized in the East and West alike on both accounts. All… 0 Shares |

Pau D’Arco Bulletproof Immune System Against Cancer

The knowledge of pau d’arco’s therapeutic properties is nothing new: it has been used in traditional healing systems all around the world for centuries. However, it appears that modern medicine is finally catching up and cottoning on to the fact… 0 Shares |

Lung cancer risk cut by eating raw garlic

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death in the United States and affects millions of people around the world, both in developed and developing countries. While smoking or exposure to second-hand smoke is the leading cause of lung… 0 Shares |

The Amazing Giant Cancer-Fighting Salad Remedy

Increasingly, the medical profession is recognizing the important role which good nutrition can play in a number of serious medical conditions — including cancer. This recognition, in part, is due to anecdotal evidence of people who have successfully helped treat… 0 Shares |

10 Dangers Of Mercury Poisoning To The Body

Mercury is a natural element, but unlike some elements, it is of absolutely no benefit to the body; on the contrary, mercury can be harmful in a number of important ways and can interfere with several bodily systems. There are… 0 Shares |

Top Six Medicinal Herbs to Grow at Home

Whether someone lives out in the country with a vegetable patch or in the city with just a rooftop garden, growing herbs at home is one of the healthiest lifestyle choices possible. Not only are self-raised herbs guaranteed to be… 0 Shares |

10 Warning Signs of Diabetes You Shouldn’t Ignore

Type 2 diabetes is a major health problem, not only in the United States but around the world, and occurs in both developed and developing countries. It is so widespread that many doctors and other health care professionals have dubbed… 0 Shares |

10 Natural Ways to Cleanse Your Lymphatic System

Many people are not even aware that they have a lymphatic system, but in a nutshell, it is a complex network of vessels filled with lymphatic fluids that works with the lymph nodes, spleen and thymus to help cleanse the… 0 Shares |

A Powerful Natural Remedy for Dissolving Kidney Stones

Anyone who has had kidney stones know what a painful condition this can be. Kidney stones occur when deposits of minerals in the kidney usually calcium oxalate bind together to form small pebble-like objects. These stones can stay in the… 0 Shares |