Entries by Brandon Stosh
Owner, and writer for http://FreedomHacker.net a site dedicated to defending your digital liberties, and helping you stay safe and secure online. Collective of other bloggers and knowledge as well.

5 Ways to Start Encrypting Your Online Communications
Digital communications are everything, the way data travels over the internet, the way we browse the web, every email, text message and phone call we make. It is all fed from one provider to another, all over the world with… 0 Shares |
Government Agencies Becoming a Threat to Internet Freedom
As the internet becomes larger, and governments are attacking the internet 24/7, security is more vital than ever. The internet is a large place filled with many great things, as I am sure you all know. While its a great… 0 Shares |
Reasons To Feed Your Dog A Natural Diet
There is a surplus of information about human’s eating a natural diet and the benefits of such a diet, so why would it be different for our dogs? It is extremely important to know the benefits of feeding your dog… 0 Shares |
Bad Parenting
Bad Parenting Have you ever looked around in this world and wondered why their are so many kids who are rude, into drugs and alcohol, swear at their parents and also yell at them? I look around and it amazes… 0 Shares |
The Importance of a Secure Email Provider
The Importance of a Secure Email Provider With the recent NSA spying allegations everywhere, we know nothing is secure. Our emails, phone lines, and anything electronic is always watching and tracking us. A secure email provider isn’t crucial, but it… 0 Shares |
How the Internet is going dark and we are winning the Cyber War
How the Internet is going dark and we are winning the Cyber War It seems everyday we are loosing our liberties. It appears that the knots around our necks get tighter and tighter. Sometimes I feel I can’t do anything… 0 Shares |
How Fitness and Health Magazines Affect your Mental Health
How Fitness and Health Magazines Affect your Mental Health I often look at Fitness and Health Magazines and see these beautiful perfect people on the front cover or inside the magazine and ask myself “why after the many years and… 0 Shares |
Don’t get stuck in the Google bubble
Don’t get stuck in the Google bubble This shouldn’t come as news, but if you were unaware, Google bubbles you. They bubble you almost like bubble boy. There is no way to get out of it, its just put there… 0 Shares |
How to encrypt your hard drive, and why you should
How to encrypt your hard drive, and why you should Encryption…? What is that? “Encryption is the process of encoding messages in such a way that eavesdroppers cannot read it, but that authorized parties can.” Now this may sound like… 0 Shares |