Entries by Eliezer Greenspan
Eliezer writes on issues of public health including nutrition, exercise, and effectiveness of drugs and medical procedures. He has trained in a course as an EMT, is certified by Dr. John McDougall in the Starch Solution program, and continues to expand his medical knowledge by taking courses offered by major universities and medical schools – ranging from Epidemiology to Vaccine Safety. He is currently studying to be a Plant-Based Chef. He lectures throughout Israel and offers courses and training online. More details and articles can be found at his website "The Fountain of Youth" (www.eliezergreenspan.com). On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheFountainOfYouth.Nutrition.Health
Individuals who suffer from high blood pressure are at higher risk of mental decline versus individuals who do not suffer from high blood pressure. The medical community has always felt that treating individuals suffering from high blood pressure with drugs…
The BMJ (British Medical Journal) published a review of 147 studies on the use of high blood pressure medication in high risk individuals. The review showed that on average, the medications resulted in a decrease in the risk of heart…
When an individual is called upon to make a major decision due to a serious medical problem, the individual must be in possession of accurate information. He also needs to be careful that he does not overestimate the benefits of…
A research group from Monash Medical Center (Victoria, Australia) published a review of 12 clinical trials investigating the use of coenzyme Q-10 for high blood pressure in the Israeli Journal of Hypertension in 2011. 362 patients were involved.
Reduction of…
Coronary bypass surgery is the most common type of heart surgery in the United States as well as the Western world. About 500,000 such surgeries are performed each year in the United States.
During this process your chest is cut…
The large majority of individuals over the age of 70 take medications to reduce their high blood pressure. A study of 5,000 Medicare beneficiaries was published in JAMA Internal Medicine in December 2014 reviewing the relationship between individuals taking high …
Dr. Karin Ried and colleagues from the University of Adelaide did an analysis of 14 previous studies on using garlic to treat hypertension as well as doing their own study. Garlic has been shown to stimulate nitric oxide, which has…
Dr. Diane McKay of the Jean Mayer USDA Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Tufts University Boston, MA, reported to the American Heart Association in 2008 the results of her study on the use of hibiscus tea to lower high blood…
As I stated in my previous post, high blood pressure is a very common problem and will affect the majority of individuals over the age of 65.
These individuals will have to face the decision as to whether or not…
Almost one-third of all adults in the Western world suffer from high blood pressure. For those over 65 the number reaches 50%.
Blood pressure measurement consists of two numbers. The first number (systolic) measures blood pressure when your heart is…