Entries by Cindy Perlin

Cindy Perlin is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, certified biofeedback provider, chronic pain survivor and the author of The Truth About Chronic Pain Treatments: The Best and Worst Strategies for Becoming Pain Free. She lives and works in the Albany, NY area where she has been helping her clients improve their health and emotional well-being for 25 years. Find out more about her at www.cindyperlin.com.

The Right Diet Can Heal Chronic Pain
One of the essentials for good health is to give your body the raw ingredients it needs to function. The right raw materials are needed to create new cells to maintain tissues and organs and to create essential bio-chemicals, including… 0 Shares |
Six Ways to Use Your Brain to Heal Your Pain
Cindy Perlin, LCSW Your mind is the most powerful tool you have to reduce pain. Every thought you have causes changes throughout your body. When you have a fear or worry thought, your body begins to move towards the “fight… 0 Shares |