Entries by Patti Dail


Evidence that the Geothermal Plant in Hawaii secretly uses fracking techniques to induce earthquakes; And what about the Hilina Slump?

Evidence that the Geothermal Plant in Hawaii secretly uses fracking techniques to induce earthquakes. And what about the Hilina Slump, that no one talks about? The fracking techniques they use is to inject high-pressure cold water into the wells to… 0 Shares |

The Wildlife Services main job is to kill wildlife; Possibly even the 200 bird die off in Draper Utah

The Wildlife Services main job is to kill the wildlife! Possibly including the Starling die off in Draper Utah. On Monday, January 29th 2018. The Wildlife Services needs to be exposed! Using Avian Toxin DRC-1339, also known as Starlicide! The… 0 Shares |

The Military has been Implanting Mind Controlled Neural Dust to remotely control their victims

Just when you thought you figured out all there is to know about the chemtrail program, something like this get’s uncovered. The Military has been implanting Neural Dust to remotely control their victims! US military contractors have admitted wireless mind… 0 Shares |

The Earth’s Natural Schumann Resonances are being manipulated by CERN, HAARP, GWEN Towers!

The Earth’s Natural Schumann Resonance are being manipulated by CERN, HAARP and GWEN towers: The Earth itself, has a heartbeat, known as the Schumann Resonances. And it has surrounded and protected all living beings in a natural steady frequency of… 0 Shares |

Whale Stranding Cover up by the Military and Oil Companies

The Admirals knew of the whale stranding’s in the 1950’s,  that submarine commanders and that the oil industry seismic survey teams often killed whales with high powered nose cone sonars often just for sport! Scientists should have exposed the cover… 0 Shares |