Entries by ashish684


A health enthusiast guy from India; love to read and write about the ideas for holistic health. Dealing with psoriasis and stuttering and managing both of them quite well.

Benefits of Aloe Vera for Weight Loss

Aloe Vera is a wonder medicinal plant that has a range of therapeutic benefits. The sticky transparent pulp of the aloe Vera plant is commercially available in the form of gel, latex or juice. The aloe vera pulp is almost… 0 Shares |

Oolong tea is good for brain health

The everyday beverages like coffee and tea are well-known mind stimulants- improve the mental alertness, wakefulness and help you feel energized. What does the trick here? For coffee, it is the caffeine. For tea, it is the synergistic effect of… 0 Shares |

Easy tips for Psoriasis care in the Winter

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder characterized by extreme skin dryness and inflammation. The faulty immune system stimulates rapid growth of skin cells, resulting in thick psoriasis scales on various parts of the body. Wikipedia says that more than 2% of… 0 Shares |