Entries by Ana

Head of Digital Marketing at Truth Publishing International, LTD. I work to strengthen social work's expertise and voice. Connecting with international publishers and consumers, promoting innovation in media, celebrating the wonderful world of magazines. Movie critic, corporate critic, shareholder advocate. Views and opinions are that of my own.

How Much Coffee is Too Much?
Coffee is full of antioxidants that can reduce melanoma by 20 percent, according to Oxford Academic, Journal of the National Cancer Institute. So, coffee has more health benefits than just filling us with energy and making us feel alert and… 0 Shares |
How To Train Your Brain To Stop Worrying
Worrying too is a bad habit that should and could be unlearned. The sad part about it is that people usually worry about things that are never going to happen. They usually worry about unimportant things. Worrying occupies human brain,… 0 Shares |