Entries by Carole White


Empower Yourself: Pay Yourself First:

The Mastery of Money She who knows she has enough is rich. In the late 1970’s when I lived in Santa Monica, I visited my local food coop one evening coming upon a flyer pinned to the bulletin board: Prosperity:… 0 Shares |

Empower Yourself: Toxic shame and Normal shame

Toxic shame owns us. Without any misgiving I can report that everyone in our society has been toxically shamed. Looking more closely at this shows us that it is entirely institutionalized. The playground bully is shamed. The president and his… 0 Shares |

Empower yourself: Self Esteem August 27,2013

Whatever you might like to think, self esteem is not a seamless garment. Of garments I am quite good. I began sewing dolls and clothes when I was about 7 so there is now a little over 6 and ½… 0 Shares |

EmpEmpowerment: This is Grandmothers’ first job

Of course, the whole idea of power is to empower others It’s the Universes’s way to show us team building. Making coopportunity among us will show us as we go along how to create the antidote to competition. Competition’s day… 0 Shares |