Your seven chakras are the major energy centers in the body and they each govern specific areas your life. It’s important to maintain balance in all seven energy points to live a healthy physical, emotional, and spiritual life. Below you’ll find more information on the individual chakras and some yoga poses that directly affect them.
First: The first chakra, Muladhara, is associated with feelings of groundedness and stability. When the Muladhara chakra is in balance, we feel safe and secure, rooted into the earth. Out of balance, however, the first chakra may cause us to feel unstable, anxious, fearful, or alone. Virrahbradrasana A (warrior one) is ideal for cleansing and rejunivating Muladhara, as well as lunges and tree pose.
Second: Svadisthana rules our emotional availability, desires, intimacy and sensuality. When in balance, we feel free to go with the flow of life,
connected to our being and compassion for ourselves and others. If Svadisthana (“one’s own place or base”) is out of balance, we may have a tendency to fear pleasure or feel guilty or unworthy of our desires. We may also lack ability to feel emotions and open up. To realign your second chakra, baddha konasana (bound angle) is great. As is pigeon, Uttitha Trikonasana (triangle), and Virrahbradrasana B.
Third: If you’re feeling down on yourself or self-conscious, there’s a good chance your Manipura is out of balance. The third chakra governs personal power, self-esteem, and ego. It’s located behind your belly button, and any core exercises such as navasna, plank, balancing poses, etc. are beautiful for balancing Manipura.
Fourth: The Anahata chakra. Located at your heart center, this is the chakra which dominates your relationships, love, and social identity. If your heart chakra is overpowering, you may feel co-dependent, jealous, or possessive. You may also feel an inability to forgive, a lack of empathy, or shyness and loneliness. In balance, though, this chakra allows you to love unconditionally, be fearless and joyful, and take advantage of life. Any backbend you do will open your Anahata chakra and release feelings of trust and joy. Backbends are perfect for balancing your heart chakra.
Fifth: Your fifth chakra, Vishuddha, governs your creativity, speech, and communication. When in balance, you tend to have good relationships, an
expressive nature, and listen well. You have the ability to create freely and passionately, and listen whole heartedly. If your Vishuddha chakra is out of balance, any variation of shoulderstand is awesome to refresh the energy.
Sixth: When the Ajna chakra, or your third eye chakra, is in balance we have a great, clear imagination and a very strong intuition. If Ajna is
deficient, we lack these abilities and feel lost, and if it’s overpowering, we may hallucinate, have nightmares and make wrong decisions. To balance your sixth chakra, sit in childs pose, supported forward folds, and visualizing creative, positive images in the mind’s eye.
Seventh: Sahasrara chakra. This is pure consciousness, connection to the universal self, wisdom and knowledge. If we are excessive in this chakra, we feel spiritually and intellectually elite. Lacking this energy, we feel skeptical about the spiritual world, apathetic, and a desire for material
possessions. The best way to balance this final chakra is through daily meditation.