Two parts of a whole there is no dichotomy
Diametrically opposed they thrive symbiotically
They have different means to the ultimate goal
The effects are heavy to contemplate, the finality, the toll
The loss of our home, our freedom, our principles
To this we have become — all to susceptible
Liberty the illusion who’s image has shattered
Before the patriots who gave and gathered
Our morals, our values, continually battered
The sick and depraved are exalted and flattered
We’ll smash your facade, expose your venality
We reject your imprisonment, imposed reality
In the face of tyranny and domestic duplicity
It’s our right, our duty, utter responsibility
To challenge false ideals, challenge authenticity
Question the greater good, attack vulnerability
Once again a Brave New World, CHANGE has come
You must examine the parts to realize the sum
We have withstood all we could but have become numb
I see something setting, it’s in motion, it isn’t the sun
Forego optimism, it’s shallow, overly trite
Many problems, no solutions, no end in sight
Question boldly, without fear, then into the night
Capture the truth, when you grasp it, hold onto it tight
A dictatorship, totalitarianism, a despotic future
The mending of souls, impossible, without a suture
It’s inevitable I assure you, it’s fixed, it’s fated
It’s imminence, is immanent, not to be belated
It’s dire, we’re weak, done through attrition
Dominated by dominance, tapping, submission
By owning our complacency, hope has arisen
Breaking the chains, the bondage, it’s our decision
The fight, it’s imperative, not overstated
Our guilt, our grief, transubstantiated
Into tangible substance, new hopes, new dreams
Propelling us onward, mending the seams