Have you ever heard of “Anandamide”? Chances are—you probably have not. Most people have heard of anti-depressants like Prozac—which, as it turns out, cause depression and suicidal thoughts. It’s all spelled out in that paper they give you at the pharmacy. But nobody reads it because they are too depressed and rely on the doctor to know “what’s best” and “fix” them.
Time to rely on your Creator.
In recent years, a lot of scientific research has been published about the human brain. We now know (if you are a science nerd like I am) that the brain is not fixed or static and doomed to succumb to untreatable dementia or Alzheimer’s. Your brain does not lose cells and die. (Unless you watch the evening news) The brain is constantly renewing itself—like every other organ in the body.
Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to grow new cells and create new networks. The brain has always been plastic—not static—but we never had the technology to see and understand it. What you do, what you think, what you experience and imagine—actually change the structure of the brain. Structure determines function.
Endocannabinoids are a group of molecules that affect neurons and their receptors in the brain. They play a critical role in the way the body processes certain functions, like appetite, pain sensation, mood, and memory. We are all born with these innate chemicals. Endocannabinoids are in us, not in cannabis—exocannabinoids are in cannabis plants until we consume them. Once consumed, the two of them are synergistic.
Anandamide is part of the endocannabinoid system (ECS)—your brains own version of cannabis. If not for THC (the psychoactive molecule in cannabis), anandamide might have never been discovered. THC was discovered in 1964 in a lab in Jerusalem by a chemist known as Raphael Mechoulam. In the late 1980’s, scientists observed that THC fit perfectly into special receptors in the brain and central nervous system. They theorized that if we have this complex network of receptors, then we must produce some kind of endogenous chemicals that act as keys to unlock them. After a lifetime of research, Raphael Mechoulam discovered anandamide in 1992. “Ananda” is Sanskrit meaning Bliss, Joy, Delight.
Anandamide–Nature’s own free, non-patentable cannabis. Creator given and legal in all fifty states!
Some interesting facts about Anandamide:
1) Important for the implantation of the early stage embryo in its blastocyst form in the uterus
2) Peak plasma anandamide occurs at ovulation and positively correlates with peak estradiol (the estrogen that makes you want to have a baby) and gonadotrophin levels
3) Anandamide has been proposed as a biomarker of infertility
4) Anandamide plays a role in regulation of appetite, motivation, and pleasure
5) Anandamide inhibits breast cancer cell proliferation
It turns out we can increase our level of anandamide by exercise, eating dark chocolate (cacao) and consuming CBD oil.
Which is why women over thirty need to walk , take CBD oil and consume dark chocolate.
Every living being is created with two primary purposes while on Earth. One is to survive, the other to reproduce. Each of us is endowed with everything we need to accomplish these things. Ten thousand steps a day, CBD oil, and a little dark chocolate—unleash your natural Bliss and enjoy the journey.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZI2VT2kOfnM (Raphael Mechoulam)