Alternative Health: Six Ways to Naturally Treat Everyday Aches And Pains


No one is exempt from going through everyday aches and pains, such as gas pain, hyperacidity, headaches, backaches and sore muscles. Because of their convenience and availability, pain killers have become a common remedy to address these. The National Institute on Drug Abuse, however, cautions against the indiscriminate use of such medication, even when these are available without a prescription. Studies show that over 80 million Americans who take over the counter pain relievers admit to going beyond the recommended dose of these drugs. The truth is, there are alternative ways of managing pain, and these methods can offer safe, long term relief.

Reduce and Manage Stress

Stress is one of the most common triggers that bring on problems such as headaches and hyperacidity. Identifying stressors in your daily life, and either managing or reducing them, is a vital first step in pain management without automatically resorting to pill popping. Meditation, listening to soothing music, progressive muscle relaxation, and mental imagery techniques have proven effective in reducing stress and managing stress-related aches and pains. Taking a break every now and then has also proven helpful in reducing stress.

Exercise and Get those Endorphins Going

Exercise is one of the safest and most sustainable ways to treat pain naturally. Exercise strengthens muscles, improves blood circulation, and helps control blood sugar levels. More than this, exercise also causes the body to release endorphins, the neurotransmitters which bring on feelings of well-being while blocking pain signals. As little as 20 to 30 minutes of moderate exercise can cause the body to release these pain relieving endorphins while building up over-all fitness.

Use Cold and Heat Therapy for Pain

Cold packs and hot packs are two natural tools you can use to alleviate pain. In cases of joint or muscle inflammation, a cold pack can act as a local anesthetic and actually reduce swelling. Cold treatments are a medically accepted approach to relieving painful sprains and reducing spasms. Hot packs, on the other hand, can greatly ease lower back pain by stimulating the flow of blood in the affected area. Hot packs also help inhibit pain messages transmitted to the brain.

Take Foods that Help Treat Aches and Pains

Science now accepts that certain foods and diets, such as the Mediterranean diet, prevent conditions that bring about pain,. Studies also suggest that inflammation can be eased with a diet rich in olive oil, turmeric, ginger, foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and foods rich in resveratrol, such as red grapes. Teas with lemon grass and ginger are an old Asian remedy for various discomforts, and these preparations are not only soothing, they taste good as well.

Get Adequate Rest and Sleep

Research has shown that individuals with adequate sleep exhibit a better tolerance of pain. In fact, one study suggests that an increase of two hours of sleep for as few as four nights may be equivalent to a twice daily intake of 60 mg of codeine. Additional hours of sleep can also decrease sensitivity to all types of pain, such as chronic back pain. On the other hand, chronic loss of sleep is seen to reduce pain tolerance.

Explore Chiropractic Intervention

Every year, around 30 million people seek the help of chiropractic doctors for pain relief. Chiropractic treatments usually include manipulation of the spine or whatever part of the musculoskeletal system is affected. Other techniques are also applied to restore mobility and ease pain. Health & Wellness Chiropractic of Utah is a natural approach to pain management, and treatments aim to correct problems such as misalignment so that the body is then able to heal naturally, without invasive surgery or medication.

Treating common aches and pains doesn’t have to start with strong medications that can leave you with unwanted side effects. These natural, yet effective methods can you started to living a pain-free life.

Anita Ginsburg